historical depression is the learning and educational system of history and its great old uselessness and how with history and if u look back on the past in the present all you know is to not to repeat in the future.
im gonna kill myself due to historical depression
Depressive episodes typically caused by suppressed sadness throughout the day, forced to be released whilst alone at night
Everybody thinks im happy, but when my "Lunar Depression" kicks in at 10:00 PM its a shitstorm of emotions.
When life at school is so hard, that your whole life falls apart
When the tears come streaming down your face because of school
I have student depression
I'm crying because i have student depression
Basically just supporting Manchester United
A: What team you support?
B: Manchester United
A: ouch! You got the united depression?
B: yeah :(
The outfit you wear when you’re going through it, the one you always go to because it’s comfy
An outfit you wear for days on end because of your inability to get up and change/bathe.
“I’ve been stuck in my depression outfit for days because I’m too sad to shower”
The feeling of worthlessness, prolonged sadness, and hopelessness that one gets when committing acts that are related to finals. (Studying, taking the final, mentioning finals, hearing about finals.)
“The teacher gave us a 100 question final, I’m getting finals depression”
“Did you hear about the final?”
“Dude stop you’re giving me finals depression.”
A depression that Brooklyn gives you
Ugh u give me type 7 depression