Source Code

Race Fight

A race fight is when 2 opponents (usually an unsuccessful vs a successful) fight while racing XC. The successful opponent will likely have the advantage with brawn, strength, and speed. It is very typical to wear school clothes, eyepaint, hair ties, and athletic clothes in a race fight. A race fight could also be between rival schools.

Joe beat his opponent and won the race fight.

by Indopride July 21, 2020

Mountains shouldn't flatten themselves to fight dirt

People of a high-status should never downgrade themselves to the same tactics that lowlifes do; which includes but, not limited to trash-talk, mudslinging, rumor spreading, gossiping, slandering, lying etc.

Ronald Reagan always believed Mountains shouldn't flatten themselves to fight dirt and that's why he never ran on a slander campaign.

by EmJayee February 10, 2021

Albino cock fight

A albino cock fight is where u cum on a girl's eyes and she punches ur cock till it bleeds. GIRL MUST BE WHITE AND BLOND.

Bro I just had the best albino cock fight with my girl last night

by December 23, 2021

Coll Fight

A Fat lazy man that lives in his own filth and lives on a staple diet of chips and gravy

Argghh im a coll fight "yewww whorrre" donkey boy

by guildmage January 27, 2006

Fight Angel

A computer video game where you play as your own created waifus and battle them. Rated as NSFW on steam for some reason, I don’t know why, because the gameplay looks tame, maybe it’s the cutscenes in the story mode.

Me: I want to play Fight Angel, but I don’t know what it’s rated. It doesn’t look that inappropriate but it says NSFW. Maybe I should wait until it gets rated.

by Nion_YT June 22, 2022

fair fight act of 1988

The Fair Fight Act of 1988 set the bylaws of street fights in Detroit during the 80s and 90s. It’s sole purpose was to set the groundwork for what was considered legal and illegal in a street fight among two parties settling their differences by way of force. Along with the typical rules of the street fight, ie. no eye gouging, no biting and no low blows, the Fair Fight Act aimed to eliminate anything but the use of hands.

Kicks of any sort will violate the code of the "Fair Fight Act of 1988". Damaging knees can cause a permanent injury, mf might walk a cane for the rest of his life. Use of firearms are permitted in such cases.

by DimSumProphet August 29, 2019


Be petty and have a sassy mouth with your friend and tell them you wanna fight


You wanna fight?
That’s why you ugly

by unknownpersonnnn41141 January 14, 2022