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Sprague High School

A high school in the southern area of Salem, Oregon. It's population include stuck-up jocks, bitchy girls who wear jeans that cost as much as a large apartment, sluts who wear two inches of make-up, and every other annoying fuck-up you can think of. Sprague hosts some of the most ignorant and cocky kids in the country. The kids who go there are spoiled by their 'American Dream' families. Their overly-expensive cars and gas are paid off by their upper middle-class to upper-class parents who live through their children. They also always make sure to flash their newest generation of iPhones. The teachers aren't all together too bad, but they let the brats who go there walk all over them. Not everyone who goes there is too bad, but the white trash preps and horny teenagers with heads the Africa easily outnumber anything good.

Bitchy Sprague High School Girl 1: Wow, fuck off, my parents own a restaurant chain. I'm so much better than you.
Bitchy Sprague High School Girl 2: Oh please, my dad owns a dealership, the rest is fucking history


Average Girl: Hey, what's your name?
Bitchy Sprague High School Girl: You're not rich enough and your clothes aren't expensive enough, go away.

by ashhartsuckedme September 6, 2013

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Rowland High School

Rowland High School (John. A. Rowland) is in a little town called Rowland Heights. Rivals being "Nogales High School". Although, it's not much too compete with. Rowland is full of spoiled rich kids who drive nice cars or a Honda Civic. They are low-key pot lovers but still get good grades so no one really complains. Rowland wins plenty of awards and is a great school to attend. Everyone pretty much gets along with everyone, with a cat fight here and there (usually because a slut stole another slut's boyfriend). Class of 2009 and 2012 are known to be the baby making machines! At the end of the day, Rowland High Schoolers get their shit done. They party, smoke and manage to get into the best colleges out there. You drink your boba (asian drink) and go to Jack in the box on early days. Everyone tries to be the same type of cool that it's quite entertaining. Again, no one really complains so it just kinda happens. Summary: Partiers but still smart, asian ruled, nice cars and very chill.

Guy: I wanna go to a school where it's just chill and everyone does their thing. Something like Rowland High School.

by John/Carlos/Jessica/Asian/Mexi November 13, 2011

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Suffern High School

Nasty people, gross teachers who don't teach shit, a football team that is known for losing, and a soccer team that is actually good but nobody knows about it. A place where apparently crew is everything and people just can't seem to keep it off of their snapchat stories. Almost every student smokes weed because they think they are cool or drink because they think it's fun. Where students post cringe worthy trillers on their finstas that represents that everyone is literal trash in this school. Finally, homecoming is just full of sexually confused people that are looking for a hook up with or without the use of drugs and alcohol.

Person 1: Hey, I just came from Suffern High School's homecoming and made out with 20 girls.
Person 2: Dude, you almost broke the record of 40 girls. You could if you tried.

by rantmonster2319 July 30, 2016

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madison high school

96% of the population has consumed a drug in some sort of manner, and 67% come to school high.
faggot bitch wannabes who crowd up the hallway, get drunk in front of chipotle, then barf behind safeway. they get fingered in the movie theatres by hormone infested rapists (baseball boys, who then comment on how tight their pussy was). FRESHMAN CHEERLEADERS-put on some damn sweats, or pull your damn skirts off your necks. i dont want to see your skanky cellulite asses "flaunting" down the halls. which, you clog up...fuckin skeets...
the boys are so gay that they result in getting freshman pussy because the sophmore girls are too busy fucking the upper classmen just for a damn 40. they take a shot, they dont fucking know what a shot is, and theyre all over senior cock. half the population of sophmores, are fuckin dykes. WHY . get a fucking room.
they're fucking boring.
most are hardcore partiers, the lame few, thrive on sophmore pussy. why do you have your parties at the fucking WOLFTRAP MOTEL. picking fights for no goddamn reason; "boy: you dont MESS with my girl. otherboy: OH, im sorry your girls a SKEET." what the hell happened to your pride?
madison baseball-
the boys love it anal, and pudge STILL can only stop the hamburgelar. they mark their underclassmen pussy, leaving condoms in the dugout. they train all year for what? nothing. can you say BURIED IN COKE?
i think its safe to say, that the "hard earned cash" is spent in one category. drugs,booze,pussy.
can the fairfax county public school board get the DAMN BROOM OUT OF THEIR ASSES.
no powderpuff? FUCK YOU.

madison high school students-
under classman: im soooo wasted, i had a fullll shot!
senior: ok, blow the breathelizer.
under classman: ok......wherreeee?
senior: in my pants, BITCH.
senior: who invited the spick to the party?
senior2: pshh, she came by herself...

by class of '06 January 27, 2007

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Dunman High School

An "elite and prestigious" school for future "leaders".
aka we dont care about the toilets in the student blocks enough to maintain them so the locks are broken and the smell is worse than mrt toilets as they only maintain the toilets where guests would go the most

"Oh isn't that the Dunman High School that spends their entire budget on worksheets that load students down and barely does anything about the quality of life at DHS?"

by sugarAddictted March 9, 2019

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Waverly High School

I complete shithole in the middle of nowhere Nebraska, a joke for a high school. Commitment to Excellence is our motto, which does not describe us at all. Pretty much this school is filled with potheads, and jerk offs. Everyone is obsessed with lifting or smoking pot. We have no school spirit because half of our student section is in the parking lot getting high! Our principal is dumb as could be. If i was gay, i would be the principal of Waverly High School.

I go to Waverly High School, and i am a complete worthless pot head! FUCK YA!

by The R3dMasterM1nd March 24, 2011

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Summit High School

Full of sticks up asses. Joints are lit, alcohol is consumed like its from the fountain of youth, and daddy's money is spent like it grows off trees. Well, here, it practically does. Full of preps, and then the antis. People trying to pull off the Anticrombie order, but that doesnt count, you 'rebels'. Your train station is a major hub station for drug dealers. Parents out of town? You know how to party. Too bad you cant remember when you do because wasted is a prime vocab word. Surprisingly, the school is still ranked very high in the state. You sure know how to keep your liquor.

The kid was able to party every weekend, steal his parents liquor, and have sex like he was paid (although he probably was), and he was still able to pull off an A- on all his exams.

by Johann Gutenburg February 21, 2005

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