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Charge My Phone

the excuse you use when you want to go to your car and do "stuff" with your girl friend.

I was wathcing a crappy movie so i said my cell was dead and went to the car to plug it in. I waited a few miunets and my GF comes out and we have some fun foging up my windows.

"My GF and I went to charge my phone"

by smokeybeaner February 20, 2006

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1) when someone texts you or leaves so many voice messages on your cell phone when it is off, thinking your ignoring them
2) when someone calls you alot and you are ignoring them and they just don't seem to get the message
3) when someone wastes all 500 of your prepaid messages in an hour or two

PERSON 1: She didnt get that I didn't want to answer the phone! I swear she must have called atleast 100 times!
PERSON 2: Sounds like you have a bad case of over-phone-dose... that really sucks, I feel for yah.

by Maggzilla October 7, 2009

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The definition of dick-to-phone means a good connection.

Like when you have the dick-to-phone connection.

Honey, can you turn on the dick-to-phone ?

Dick-to-phone ??!!

Now THAT's a GOOD connection !!!

Can you put that on tape for me, please ?

Thank you...

by Johnny Lingas April 17, 2011

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Hit My Phone

Usaully means to call me, and mainly used for sexaul things.

"Hey, did you just talk to Megan?"
"Yeah! I said to hit my phone and she said for me to make sure to hit her phone"
"Oof. You bagged a WILD one"

by My dictionary284 March 14, 2021

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Smart Phone Bitch

One who uses their smart phone to do the bidding of someone who does not have a smart phone

Cindy: " Yeah, I was that woman's smart phone bitch Friday, she had my thumbs tapping the keyboard all night long."
Lynn:, "Damn, I hate it when that happens, why don't they get their own smart phone?"

by cindylouwholigan January 17, 2012

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phone freeze tag

A variant on phone tag wherein the caller trying to contact you decides to leave an exceedingly long message, forcing you to listen to it before calling back, and thus spend several minutes "frozen" while hearing him or her blather on.

Another way to play is to try to call the person back just seconds after you've missed their call, so you'll either get a busy signal or have your call ignored while they're still leaving their message on your phone.

Each of these scenarios has the potential to last for hours.

Erica: Should I call you while you're at work and you can hit me back while you're on break?

Seth: Nah, I don't wanna play phone freeze tag with you all night. My job is stressful enough as it is.

by drumlizardo April 13, 2010

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ghetto cell phone

A cell phone that does not have features of a smartphone.

James dropped his ghetto cell phone in the toilet.

by Weedcoke March 10, 2012

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