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We noticed you are using a browser we have not tested

...or similar message. An unprofessional statement made at a fortune 500 company's website while using the latest version of Internet Explorer.

"we noticed you are using a browser we have not tested."


by someone u used to love... April 11, 2013

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Using Mathematical Equations to find out why the chicken crossed the road

1. (Idiom) Using a very complicated method or strategy when there is a simpler route that ends up with the same conclusion.

2. (Noun) A scientist in an insane asylum writing on the walls trying out figure out why the chicken crossed the road.

3. A question that has puzzled man for a very long time.

Ex:Using Mathematical Equations to find out why the chicken crossed the road

Lets see... The road is the variable y. x is the chicken...and w is the width of the road. Was the chicken hit by a car? Lets set that as variable q.

-46 Years Later-

Heh heh heh... So close to finishing!!! The chicken... crossed the road...because...

x=324897.453710599487105720982/23857105.3234 X 5^3489.245783-2433.452359157837598283994750175

y=45732658935/435 X 6^6.345722


q=23688.7853574545/534365645 X 235798^4364534577.3

He..he crossed the road... because...FFFUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is THE Chicken? Who the fuck is he? Is he a fat chicken ? How fast was he going? (The scientist has now mentally gone insane)

by EvilHamster March 19, 2012

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Well said aid in a eement can be used as reeting, hey ats up

If you look at that mug that Urban Dictionary advertises really closely, it’ll say this. Well, of what you can read of it.

You: Well said aid in a eement can be used as reeting, hey ats up.
Your friend: wat da fuq dit u jus sae?

by Hongolomngonolongongous November 3, 2020

32πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Among Us in real life (sus, sus) Among Us in real life (sus, sus) Playing Among Us in real life, spaceship with my crew Gonna split up, spread out 'cagot tasks to douse we all

MY FAV SONG IN THE HOLE WIDE WOARLD IS Among Us in real life (sus, sus) Among Us in real life (sus, sus) Playing Among Us in real life, spaceship with my crew Gonna split up, spread out 'cause we all got tasks to do

Among Us in real life (sus, sus) Among Us in real life (sus, sus) Playing Among Us in real life, spaceship with my crew Gonna split up, spread out 'cagot tasks to douse we all

by jeff the weirdo November 6, 2021

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

use dem n loose dem

Highly used sayin by playa's.To use ho's n loose dem.Use them for sex/something and loose them by either dumping them,kicking them out,ignoring them etc...

Playa;Use dem ho's n loose dem ho's!
Playa 2: U rite der use dem n loose dem!

by gotgamegurl August 17, 2005

1πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

I used to be an adventurer just like you, then I took an arrow to the knee

The most overly used phrase in gaming history. From the game Skyrim.

Guard: I used to be an adventurer just like you, then I took an arrow to the knee.

Player: LOL

by I'mAddictedToUrbanDictionary March 22, 2013

67πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

is it a four letter word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive?

Hell yea!
That’s love!

The question is: is it a four letter word that you can use in various ways that are mostly positive?

by Not me 2.0 November 9, 2020