High Potency Strain of Cannabis named for its fruity flavor amd region in which it was created.
This California juicyfruit is super dank.
A middle-aged white male that (usually) lives in a Southern California suburb. They are slightly overweight with a chubby face and balding. They will wear a baseball cap with sunglasses, short-sleeve shirt, cargo shorts, white socks with sneakers. They spout liberal propaganda any chance they get (which is strange because they come off as strict). They are often completely clueless about the world around them, because they will read a random statistic off of the local newspaper about how their community is "the safest in the tri-county area" and they will take it as fact and then lecture kids about how "good they have it" no matter how many incidents of crime affect those kids or show up in their neighborhood. And when it happens they often will brush it off as "kids being kids" because they did that when they were younger so they think it's normal. A California Dad is one of the most useless people you will ever meet.
"Did you tell your dad about how you had a bottle thrown at you?" - friend #1
"Yeah but he just said 'ThAts wHat TEenagers dO!'. To be honest, I think he did that crap as well." - friend #2
"He's such a California dad" - friend #1
Inspired by the New York Giants and Brooklyn Dodgers relocating across the country in the 1950s, it’s a single sex session that takes two lovers from one corner of a house, apartment, or other dwelling to the opposite corner with no loss of penetration.
Tito and Rosa had tried every acrobatic position in the book, so last Saturday they challenged themselves to complete a game of California Baseball.
Once you cum in her you can’t cum out
“Yo kyle what happened to you and that slut”
“I went hotel california on her and now we got six kids”
When you aren't sick but you don't go to work anways
Tomorrow is going to be one of those California Sick days
A dwelling on an automotive chassis often in poor operating condition and occupied by hippies, hipsters, and other smelly type of people often associated with the state of California. Also requires a Class C license to operate and can be found broken down on the side of major highways, department store parking lots, and beach parking lots with a parking boot attached.
my hippie friend Neil has a California Housecar on the beach
Round ball pipe with a small hole on the top used specifically for smoking crystal meth, or shake and bake meth.
I hit the California bubbler and got lit!