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Tallahassee Triple Crown

There are 3 colleges/Universities in Tallahassee. FSU, FAMU, and TCC. The Tallahassee Triple Crown is where you have sex with a girl from each school in one academic semester.

After finishing the FAMU leg of the Tallahassee Triple Crown, Blake could finally focus on finals week.

by BSuperior January 12, 2013

Triple Chocolate Divorce

A romantic couple that covers each other entirely in chocolate then make love, after it is finished they get divorced because their marriage was a horrible idea

Did you hear about Kevin? He and his wife did a triple chocolate divorce

by AverageCanadian7567 March 8, 2023

Triple Five Group

A Ghermezian group that goes around taking JML loans and failing to pay them back. Meanwhile starting large construction projects resulting in the destruction of the Everglades.

You seen Jacob? Yea he just Triple Five Groupe $90Mil.

by skizimus September 16, 2022

Tuscaloosa Triple Play

In it's modern incarnation, the Tuscaloosa Triple Play is nothing more than a good night with a lady, giving it to her in all three holes, hence the "triple play". This speaks to the standard of mediocrity strived for by the current generation; nobody wants to work for anything anymore and do it right. If they can't do something, they merely change the requirements to something more attainable and celebrate that in triumph. It's the "everybody gets a ribbon" generation. For those looking to turn the original Tuscaloosa Triple Play, they'll have their work cut out for them. It's still dipping your wick in three different orifices, giver's choice, but on three different targets: Woman, Man, and Animal. Only the brave save the oral for the animal.

I went to see my friend the other day and his mom stopped by with the cutest little basset hound that was giving me the eyes. When all was said and done I had turned a Tuscaloosa Triple Play

by dmacrae80 February 28, 2013

Triple Bunk

Outside in the real world a regular bunk bed is 2 beds stacked on each other while in prison they have triple bunks

to save Room

Bunk bed-2
Triple Bunk-3

by EmJayee January 6, 2020

triple barker

Talking, farting and pussy farting all at the same time.

See Krisann is a triple barker.

by A&W2024 May 28, 2024

triple barker

Talking, farting and pussy farting all at the same time.

See Krisann is a triple barker.

by A&W2024 May 28, 2024