A beard specifically grown in preparation for getting difficult/large-scale software features live.
I've been growing this release beard in preparation for our big 1.1 release next week. I'll shave it afterward.
The pussy juice that is dripping off of a man with a beard.
I made her cum so hard while eating her pussy that I ended up with beard drool.
The act of performing oral sex on a shemale while fondling their breasts.
Accidentally went home with a shemale the other night. She whipped out a pecker, so I gave her the ol bearded bagpipe and we had a great time.
Beard Milk is a naturally occurring liquid produced from the fermentation in a beard by bacteria to produce a nutritious and health white liquid capable of raising a baby to become a well bearded and well adjusted human. Research shows it to be more nutritious than colostrum.
Hey man, your beard is swelling, looks like you better get someone to help you get that Beard Milk out and to the baby as soon as possible.
When something is just too weird, and the only way to describe it is that of a beard attached to a monkeys face.
Can you believe Shangela eats sofa cushions on the reg? That's weird as a monkey's beard!
A particle of solid or liquid food that has lodged in someone's beard.
Mona (pointing to Larry's full red beard): Sweetie, are you gonna eat that beard snack or kin I have it?