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2 AA

The term refers to 2am which is typically around the time wannabe pimps hit up hookers lines trying to recruit..

Hooker1 :Damn all these black dudes hitting up the line.

Hooker 2: Girl It must be 2 AA !!

by N8Stylo November 29, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sequel to motocross game MXGP

MXGP 2 Is the Sequel to MXGP

by jaredisnotsodank August 20, 2016

February 2

National kiss your girlfriend day

Mia:Hey its February 2 national kiss your girlfriend day!
Ermerson: oh right!!!!

by baddiegirlerensusedtampon February 2, 2022

February 2


"National Check Your Role-plays Day" go check all your pending plays that you haven't answered in months and if its the other person's turn go send them this ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Answer your god damn role-plays its February 2 jesus fucking christ ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿฅฑ

by -Discorder~ February 2, 2021

February 2

February 2 is the day a gangsta was born. If you born on February 2 you fine as heck and know to do voodoo.

why she so gangsta, oh she born on February 2nd
why she so fine, oh because she belong to me

by GoatB November 23, 2021

July 2

its the middle of the year

me: hey it's july 2

you: ok

by issuerissue November 13, 2022

monkey 2

literally monkey, but again.

"Hey i ran out of monkey"
"yo man just get Monkey 2"
"isnt that just monkey but again"
"yes, yes it is"

by Dehydrated_Water December 25, 2020