Depression is an act or a figment of a persons imagination, although people claim differently they stupid,
depression is fake and people can exploit it like Billie Eilish, she through her songs has attracted a simple but complicating species..... woman, especially 14 year old girls, they have been captured by the "songs" of this siren, in one case: sHE's brOKen she uses the title to subsequently grasp the minds of younger audiences to slit their wrist's and throats, also depression is FAKE....... bc it just a mind set, just be like me
man: yo bobby why you looking so sad
Bobby: i just listened to a Billie Eilish song and now i feel a huge wave of depression
man: F , just be happy hoe
Some people think its an emotion, but it is really a loss of all emotions, and a loss of reasons to carry on.
Sometimes depression hits when you least expect it, like when you're laughing with your friends and all the sudden you just stop.
Oh Depression. Depression and Depression. What is depression you ask? well..its what i feel in the inside all the time. I don’t trust my own smile because i smile in pain. But if you really wanna know what depression means? Well its when you are sad and in pain. Thats what i feel. I don’t think anyone would really want to care or read this. I would most likely get made fun of so i never express my feeling. And im not tying to get attention i have just never expressed my feelings to anyone
Friend: yo what’s depression?
me: when you are sad or in pain
A fancy word for feeling bummed out
“Depression? Isn’t that just a fancy word for feeling bummed out?”
“Dwight you ignorant slut”
A fancy word for feeling bummed out
“Depression? Isn’t that just a fancy word for feeling bummed out?”
“Dwight you ignorant slut”
„I have depression.“ „Oh, so you have the BIIIIIIIG sad?“ „This is not funny, dave“