Source Code

Perfect Dark Zero

THe next installment of Perfect Dark, early rumors have said that this game will begin after the origional Perfect Dark, but you will transport back in time to before the origional game. Still these are early rumors. Expected to come out on Xbox but possiably an Xbox 2 launch title.

GoldenEye 2 is the next insatllment of GoldenEye, however Perfect Dark Zero is made by Rareware the same company that made the Origional Perfect Dark and Goldeneye.

by Impstrong April 22, 2004

4👍 25👎

perfect pick me up

when you are feeling down or upset about yourself or anything go to urbandictionary.com and look up your name

Mom:Hey son your looking down.
Son: Yea mom someone called me fat.

Mom: I have a perfect pick me up for you
then they go to the urban dictionary.com and look up the sons name.

by hicksclan November 8, 2011

9👍 4👎

Snake that shits perfect rats.

1. Someone or something that participates without adding anything of substance.

Person 1: "Dude, the only thing Lenny added to the presentation was stupid transition effects."

Person 2: "I know, talk about a snake that shits perfect rats."

by Johnrad March 22, 2022

Most Perfect Boy Ever

Marco. Marco has the cutest smile you’ll ever see. He speaks soft words and gives the most comfortable hugs. He always asks to hold hands when walking or sitting together. Before he leaves he’ll look at you with his gorgeous eyes and ask for one last goodbye kiss. But, his stench reeks and invades the air. His stink is so bad grass shrivels and dies as he walks over it, and any water surrounding him evaporates from his hotness. He is so hot that he is the reason the globe is warming. However, love is stronger than his scorching heat and his terrible stench. In fact, it’s been scientifically proven that Marco’s love can heal every broken bone caused from tripping over his cuteness within 24 hours. He’s so incredibly smart and cute.

In conclusion, the absence of Marco is the absence of life and love itself; it is a tragic fate to endure. Sucks for everyone else who doesn’t get to date the Most Perfect Boy Ever. He makes life a bazillion times better and brings so so so much joy and happiness. He is warm, safe, and protecting. He always keeps his beb fed and happy. He gives the bestest hugs ever (especially since he’s the buffest).

And that’s why Sally is the luckiest to date him <3

Poop pleb 1: Wow do you know who the Most Perfect Boy Ever is?

Poop pleb 2: Marco?

Poop pleb 1: literally

Poop pleb 2: yeah your boyfriend sucks compared to Sally’s boyfriend Marco.

by Marcoiscute January 30, 2023

cooked to British perfection

Overcooking food to the point where it loses its tastes. Used as an excuse to joke around about being a terrible cook rather than improving or giving up.

"Cooked to British perfection!" my mom would cackle as she served us yet another bland meal.

by Downvoting Victim June 26, 2011

15👍 186👎

Your perfect 8 by 10

Your perfect something. you really like it/him/her

Is he your perfect 8 by 10?
yeh, i think i really like him!

by sombody July 29, 2005

11👍 11👎

nobodys perfect he/she

this shim is a very annoying person, shim loves to dance around like a stupid idiot, im sure nobody likes this he/she! she or he is a weirdo!

OH MY GAWSH that thing must be the nobodys perfect he/she!

by you-tube watcher January 19, 2009

4👍 1👎