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I know right

It is what people of Hispanic descent say when they are in agreement with something that was said.... usually with an accent.

Quote from Pineapple Express:

Seth Rogen: *in his car singing ELECTRIC AVENUE*

Hispanic guys: *also singing it pull up next to him*

Seth Rogen: Hey Electric Avenue!!

Hispanic guy 1: ay no, RIIIIIIGHT?!!!!! (I KNOW RIGHT!?)
Take that shit to the next level, eh?

Seth Rogen: Ok... I will! :)

Hispanic guy 1: Orale.... *to hispanic guy 2* es pinche fresa (he is a fruit---a strawberry...)

by RENZthe July 22, 2010

47๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

F*ck rights

A contraction of the common phrase "f*cking rights" 1. An affirmative answer. 2. Something that one finds agreeable.

1. "Are you going to the movies tonight?" "F*ck rights I am!"
2. "Hey, f*ck rights - my favorite band is coming to town!"

by myfriendhasalizard January 22, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mind Right

a crazy trippin song by Katt Williams. the remix features a sand nigger screaming something about allah in the background during the chorus

Man 1: Hey man you need to get Mind Right?
Man 2: My mind is fine u dick
Man 3: Bacon

by SYKO 120 January 29, 2009

2๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Right Hand Bitch

The person at your job whom your boss always relies on/ gives the best projects too, and who usually pretends to be oblivious to this but secretly loves it.

"Man, there's hardly any work to do"
"Yeah, except for Luciel, she just does the bosses bidding for him all day"
"Yeah, that's because she's his right hand bitch"

by Edinburghssuiteheart September 7, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal Right Wing

A person who is at heart a right wing, but is labeled as a liberal because they take on positions associated with Liberals. But in reality, they believe that they along with their ideologies are above all others. Examples include Black Supremists, Radical Feminists, Self Righteous Vegans, and Evangelical Atheists. Their favorite activities include trying to get even with everyone who oppressed their people over 100 years ago, and have never dealt with oppression, screaming racism, sexism, ect anytime they do not get their way. It started off well intended as a liberal movement to bring equality to everyone, but the Right wing philosophy got in the way exulting the formerly oppressed group above the group that oppressed them.

Liberal Right wing

Thanks to them, we have to show special sensitivity to Black people, while a black person can make fun of a white person.

Thanks to them, many men cannot get jobs, cause many over sensitive women pressed charges for sexual harassment just because he held the door open for her, and she percieved it as sexual harassment.

Next they are probably going to ban eating meat. Thats fine if Vegans want to be vegetarians, but dont force others to.

More idiots who will not let us use the word Merry Christmas or set up a nativity scene, because some over sensitive Atheist finds this offensive.

by Jones1423 May 10, 2010

31๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž

fuck right off

a term commonly used by irate checkers legends when MSN fails to open checkers or oftentimes even start. also, if i met bill "i'm a paedo" gates this is the phrase i'd shout in his face.

Jim "game of checkers my good man?"
Rob "yes why the devil not!"
MSN "sorry we are crap... try again later."
Rob and Jim in unison: "FUCK RIGHT OFF MSN!!"

by failure33object April 25, 2005

37๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

bullis juniors right

all those junuior whores think they r the shit, right kate is fat and short but she doesnt seem to notice. clairissa fuck her and her fat ass. next time anyone rights shit make sure its the truth u dont know us so go fuck yourselves like u do every night. u serioulsy have no lives so u have to post this shit the, the only reason we're doing it is so ull stop fucking everything up.

we hate you a lot of ppl do and u all are just jelous cause the freshman are getting all ur guys sry bout that no actually we're not. fuck you,and stop writing shit when u know nothing used to be funny but now its so old so stop

by not funny anymore March 20, 2005

11๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž