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street troll

One who deliberately picks fights in the streets. Often found lurking in the darkest parts of the street.

Don't walk down old forest road at night. Those damn street trolls are all over

by ultimate fuckboy November 24, 2013

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Sweet Trolled

When "white boys" try to rap, and a god trolls them very nicely. they have there forth been sweet trolled:D

deuce bag : i am the best at rapping bro

deuce bag: im cool, and i rule, and i hate school, we should smoke weed, fuck that girl named reid, dude i just pead.

sweet troller: match my rhymes. i kill u with my star shine, just give me some time,i give ur girl some 69;)

intelligent person: Boy!! you just got sweet trolled!

by fucker666fucker January 27, 2012

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Troll Rehab

A place where dumbass's get sent after they spam or act like dickheads! Home of the retards!

Blogtv: get kicked go to troll rehab

by Jessibardi April 30, 2012

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forest troll

Any of a species of human who spend most of their time frolicking in the deep woods and being with nature. Said people can be found enjoying natural fabrics and practicing poor oral hygiene.

Not to be confused with the larger family of crunchy granolas.

Melissa Fe is a forest troll.

by crunchyayana April 30, 2018

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Ice troll

when you are drinking something out of a cup and one (or more) ice cube(s) blocks whatever it is that you are drinking, causing it to miss your mouth and go straight down your shirt.

I got ice trolled this morning when the ice in my cup blocked my mouth, which caused the water to spill down my shirt.

by Eclipse036 February 25, 2013

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Justifying Troll

A troll who thinks it's okay to troll if they use something else to justify their hate. A Justifying Troll often uses religion, inaccurate facts, and big words to try and justify their hate. These kinds of trolls do this because they usually can't find anything wrong with whatever it is that they hate and therefore have to look for reasons.

Example of a Justifying Troll:

"You see those skulls in the background? And the way she has her arms positioned? Not to mention if you play this song backwards she clearly says 'I love the devil'. This singer is satanic and trying to brainwash you".

by asefiowrhgua;ergg September 29, 2011

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Roll Troll

Opponents on Farkle-Facebook who make vulgar sexual comments while playing.

roll troll

by Martnera September 24, 2009

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