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Urban Dictionary

A person who decided to make this silly website and claims to reject non-celebrity entries when really keeps all of them.

'This is urban Dictionary'

by ThisThingIsStupid February 20, 2014

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Urban Dictionary

A dictionary with an extremely wide range of words and phrases.

That word's probably in the Urban Dictionary.

by Half-Urban February 2, 2019

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urban dictionary

1. A website used to find definitions of slang terms. 2. Really you are that bored that you are looking up urban dictionary in urban dictionary GET A LIFE

Wait a sec I just gotta check urban dictionary

by shnabada January 13, 2014

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urban dictionary

The place where CMPS/MATH double degreers get all their facts.

According to urban dictionary, its bendejo, and that's where I get all my facts.

by Chrysostom11 October 18, 2016

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Urban Dictionary

A very untruthful garbage site that is only used for when asking for depression and a life

I just took an urban dictionary on this guy!

by daisythedogthebestdog April 9, 2019

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Urban Dictionary

literally the website you are on right now

yo go to the urban dictionary it is super interesting

by #1 Victory Royale February 3, 2019

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Urban Dictionary

The place you IMMEDIATELY go when one of your friend makes a reference and you're like what the heck? But you pretend that you actually know what it means. Then you go on urban dictionary and are like duhhhhhhh that's what it means😳

Didn't know what a blowjob was, thank god for urban dictionary.

by Thatminnesotangirl April 6, 2015

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