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Thinky wank

where you don't use porn to wank

Me: "i'm going for a Thinky Wank"
Friend:"who you going to think about?"
Me: "your mum"

by buttonsex January 24, 2012

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wank momma

A woman who is not gettin any action, the opposite of a mack momma.

Damn Kellie, u thinkin about Ralph all the time has turned you into a wank momma.

by darcmatter May 1, 2006

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posh wank

ejaculating in a condom whilst mastrubating

putting a condom on then having a wank therefore you are having a posh wank

by thomdavid October 16, 2009

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Dutch Wank

When you're mate holds your cock and you hold his wrist and move his hand up and down until ejaculation

Mark and Andy both love a good dutch wank ..........

by Yogi36 May 12, 2011

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the name given to some1 hu is addicted to wanking. the person usually wanks more thna 5 times a day.

'hey dude i caught ben wanking at the open air pool AND the boys toilets'

'haha what a wank-a-tron'

by Trite June 11, 2008

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bat wank

position in which the female hangs from the posts of a four-poster bed, reconstructing the mating rituals of the bat. males then form an orderly que under her, and she proceeds to blow and wank off each male in turn, moving along the line as she goes. this is representative of the motion in a commercial warehouse. a quick way to please a large number of men.

girl: ''i bat wanked 23 guys in 45 minutes last night, that must be a world record. on the downside, my hands are raw, my mouth is dry and my legs have seized up in the hanging position''

by LOLA&SAMMIE July 7, 2009

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1. Someone who is not actually a wanker, but a more mild one.
2. Posh term for "Wanker"

You wank-biscuit, give me that back

by Techno Joker May 31, 2003

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