-One who poses after someone else poses first
-A poser of a poser
The dirty goth got caught red handed by Second-Hand posing a toned emo girl who cuts her wrists for pleasure.
Refers to a giggly "imitation" racket dat a small child gleefully makes after hearing a grownup undertake a jarringly-loud activity, such as hammering, drilling, sawing, filing, etc.
Classic examples of "second-generation noise" would be if a youngster watches his parent or a visiting neighbor driving nails and then starts happily yodeling, "Bam-bam-bam-bam!" while pounding his fist on anything within reach around the house, or hollers, "ZzhEEEh-ukhkhahw, zzhEEEh-ukhkhahw, zzhEEEh-ukhkhahw, zzhEEEh-ukhkhahw..." (accompanied by vigorous back-and-forth motions with his forearm against various objects) after he witnesses someone raspingly slicing up boards or plywood with a crosscut saw.
Something to hold off doing something for a couple of hours.
Just a second. I'll tell you how you can use this in a sentence later.
When a girl dates a guy who needs therapy, so she ends up going to therapy herself. It means that motherducker is receiving second-hand therapy.
I gotta find a girl in therapy, so I can release all of my anger onto her without feeling guilty. She can just release it back onto her therapist. I ain't paying $120 an hour. I use second-hand therapy.
Second cousin's great-grandchild.
My second great-great-cousin-nibling is a good person.
Sesterple-2C: Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents and five great-grandparents in common.
My sesterple-second-cousin is a good person.
Da deafening roar/scream/whine/hum/banging dat is produced by someone using power tools or heavy machinery, and dat everyone else in his vicinity therefore hasta suffer with, even if said neighbors are not involved with said raucous task in any way.
Delicate-statured damsel: I always carry a set of reusable earplugs in my purse whenever I venture out 'n' about, just in case I have to pass through or occupy any location where there is second-hand noise of excessive volume.