On meth
smh.. twiggas michael jackson moonwalking
1. (Noun/Person) When referring to LeBron James as the Goat, typically yelling at a friend.
2. When someone does something amazing.
3. When any person dunks any object.
4. When someone makes an impossible shot (similar to "Kobe" or ",Jordan" etc.)
Friend 1: **throws a milkshake from a moving car into a trash can and makes it**
Friend 2: "LeBron Jackson!"
Leigh Jackson is a good name and is a person that usually has a wet vagina and feels sexy and wears high skirts also she would have a pink streak and dies her hair every term also she is usually a teacher teaching year 7 and is in fry (red). She likes science and maths and is very sarcastic
Leigh jackson has a wet vagina
.The THICCEST person you’ll ever see 👀...
.He has the STRAIGHTEST teeth 🐰
. He’s the nicest person you’ll ever meet!!!!
“ Do you know that guy Jackson fap jack?”
Yeah I heard he was really thiccccccccc 👀
The only country singer who still sounds country
Alan jackson is good
Jackson Brown
A kid you should never once in youre life trust. You tell him one thing, he go tells the world.When you ask him to run yalls 1s he makes an excuse to not fight, most commonly used excuse,”i only fight if i have too”but then this lame kid starts messin with 6th graders that he knows he will win a fight against.
Oh hey Jackson brown! Wanna fight? No bru i only fight if i have to.
A couple who always break up and teachers bet on it don’t pull a Jackson and Janiah
Dang Tracy and mike are pulling a Jackson and Janiah