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what the boi

what the boi is a phrase of words like “what the” some people will use it when someone does something stupid or unnecessary

Bob: *falls on purpose into Jim*

Jim: “what the boi”

by whattheboi March 21, 2018

dookie boy

A mark ass fool who instead of shitting anywhere else , desires to shit in your house.

If this dookie boy shits in my house one more time I'm knockin him the f**k out !!!!

by Jay swizell July 9, 2021

Gerbil boy

Small fluff of love that need many cuddles.

Much like napoleon, what we see here is a wet gerbil boy.

by Shariff~ March 25, 2018

ranger boi

Ranger Dave Ronny sond sondo can go by many names lives for hard dicks but never middle chubs dosnt like girls he/she lives for Friday night Xbox and is a sweat at GTA but still finds a way to suck.

Dude jack is being such a ranger boi he lives for Xbox and knows a guy name Ronny sond

I hear he never middle chubs

by Takindumps11 December 21, 2021

Crankin dat soulja boy

Although widely known as a dance from 2007 created by Soulja Boy Tellem, the phrase also refers to male masturbation. The reason it is known as such is because the penis is similar to a solider with its helmet, and it is cranked like a crankshaft during masturbation.

"I walked in on dat nigga, and he was Crankin dat soulja boy, so I dipped."

by AtlMandingo April 1, 2009

DiGi BoY

Digi Boy is a Youtuber and digital marketer, he started his SEO career at the age of 18 now he is helping businesses to grow on google with his amazing SEO skills.

Digi boy is a youtuber.

by DiGi Boy February 27, 2022


The Rebel Boys are FUCKING DEMONS, Hawking shit no Seattle

burn them fuck THE REBEL BOYS

by T00K4P4CK! November 30, 2020