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taylor swift

our overlord, our god, her songs are our bible, the music industry, best singer songwriter ever

taylor swift is smart, funny, beautiful, strong and scooter braun did her dirty

by bookworm_2002 March 31, 2022

226👍 437👎

Taylegend Swift

used to adress Taylor Swift

Taylegend Swift became the first female artist to win AOTY at the grammys thrice!

by Swiftea☕ October 8, 2021

swift kitty

A lady using her intellect and sexual prowess to compromise men and procure a favorable position in future circumstances. Often times she'll employ maneuvers to exploit the schmuck before he realizes the quagmire he's gotten himself into.

Beware she's crafty and always one step ahead of you.

See that chic over there; yeah she's one swift kitty.

by Slick#1 November 18, 2015

swift cruise

When you arrive on board your cruise ship and you find out that Taylor Swift and Tom Cruise are also on board and you're like "buckle up - this is going to be a bumpy ride."

HEATHER: "Oh god, Taylor Swift and Tom Cruise are on board."
ADAM: "SWEET! Looks like we scored tickets to the Swift Cruise!"

by Shmiggens March 2, 2017

Phil Swift


Yo Phil Swift is the best am I right

by TherealPhilSwift October 22, 2018

Phil Swift

Phil is love, Phil is life.

Phil Swift is the supreme lord.

by 24dogeman24 November 30, 2019

Phil swift

it even works under water

phil swift here with flex tape slap it on my but

by voicetrollz September 18, 2019