Big dust ball is a guy who looks for all kinds of long and fat items to shove up their ass to keep in for 8 hours on end
Yo big dust ball how do u like that racket up your ass
he is a henry big balls with exaggerated swagger with a extended penis and ball piercing
a man with a blow up penis and a exaggerated swagger about him he also has a pair of massive bollocks on him
When your balls swell up during inter course
What are those?
Sorry. I think I may have Big Ball Syndrome (BBS)
Big Balling is an expression used to describe the action of trying to complete one's object as straightforward and ballsy as possible.
George was Big Balling when he jumped out of the trench and ran for the next one 50 feet away while enemy fire was flying by him.
big bloated ball sack
its a big bloated ball sack