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Fatherless child that believes their crush is a sexuality

And they simply cant be reasoned with.

Anyone that disagrees is called a "bigot" and "dreamphobic nazi"

NonSpecificHuman1:I am coming out as dreamsexual!
NonSpecificHuman2:dude thats not a real sexuality

by SomeRefinedTaste February 15, 2022


Fatherless Garbage dip shits trying to make a fake gender trying to make into LGBTQ+. That's fucking cringe

Dreamsexual are cringe if you are a dream sexual you are a disgrace and we beg you to get the eff off the internet!

by Flimsy_242 February 23, 2022


A bunch of 9yr olds who wants to get into the LGBTQ community but can't, so they make a sexuality out of a big youtuber, and would call anybody a "NAZI" for including the word dream and dislike in the same sentence. (I'm looking at you r/dreamgender!)

Daughter: Dad, I've been watching this man named Dream's videos, and I want to come out as Dreamsexual!
Father: Time to buy shotguns.

by nzap85 December 12, 2021


A fake sexuality which people use to mock the lgbtq+
Most people that are "Dreamsexual" are on tiktok.

Uwu my dreamy dream, im dreamsexual for him

by RlPBOZO February 11, 2022


A way to know if someone is a disgrace to humanity.

If someone says they are Dreamsexual that means they try so hard to be apart of the LGBTQ+ community that they think being sexually attracted to a faceless Minecraft YouTuber is a sexuality.

If one of your friends identifies as a Dreamsexual cut them out of your life forever.

Person A: "Hey, I have something important to tell you"
Person B: "What is it?"

Person A: "I'm dreamsexual..."
Person B: "Oh, so this is why you get bullied so much. Please get the fuck away from me you failed abortion."

by An Idiot Who Needs Help May 7, 2022


a person that doesn’t know what an actual sexuality is and that it is a disgrace to the LGBTQ+ community and is obsessed with the YouTuber Dream.

Sarah: ✨💞I’m happy to announce I’m a dreamsexual! 💞✨
DStanDestroyer42: Your dad left you because the milk was worth more than you.

by EpicBananaMan March 9, 2022


Being sexually attracted to Dream, and not attractive to anyone with a brain.

I'm Dreamsexual.

by Cyan_on_the_dictionary February 25, 2022