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Errol's Wife

My Sweet Jamaican Empresss
You know today I had the feeling you are not being treated the way you should be you know

I all ways want you to be happy & me have a piece a feeling over me that the man you marry isn't a good OZBAND.No man nuh perfect,some of dem can be good father's to dem kids,but a pure CRASIS when they get in you life.You know me will never ever stop loving you even though you married & all a dat❤️Another ting when a man don't even know that he must live his life in the CREATOR/Christ Consciousness

(The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God)it means he's driven by his lust & can indulge in all manner of filth by committing adultery causing whole heap a problem I know how you are you don't deal in such tings. You are a very good & intelligent woman. If me did know then what me know now we'd be married & all our children would be with each other I see just how undeserving & ungrateful these men truly
are.Jah gave us all free will with consequences for our sins.Never you worry bout anyting de Rastaman love you all ways & all ways will...I man a forward soon❤️

Errol nothing me hate more than seeing a very good woman not getting all the praise & support she deserve from someone who ego a the problem. If you not gonna do better please let her go plenty of us looking good woman
Watch your back..

by Janet21 April 14, 2023


My Sweet Empress can't wait to feel you in

my arms baby mi long to hold you baddy,mi counting down the mths wks & days till I'm
with you♥️♥️SHAME when a Man has so

much to hide then comes up chatting like

him is innocent in any of the drama he &

him so call Meme Friend dem create🤣
My baby all you did a do was get on with you

life working paying you bills & the rest while

this fool run round a stir up trouble him a anybody man you nuh av SHAME imagine you

so disgusting you even try fuck up you wife stuff. One day you tongue will confess every single WRONG & EVIL you have ever done you can't hide from The CREATOR it's only a matter of time.This strong beautiful woman belongs to

me she's not like you she's well ina her culture she knows herself & is blessed🙏🏾when a man nuh know himself people tek him fi eediat apply a likkle pressure then watch him tun stupid dat kyna fool will do anything imagine messaging other women then pretending you innocent mi got you message dem you fool, you just so UNGODLY mi more than care for her she's unique I want her in my life,you is so so CRASIS & a fucking Energy Vampire. Baby hang tight ♥️

Cow never know the use a him tail till the butcher chop it arf🤷

by Janet21 October 28, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empresss tings here are good despite what some may tink mi love you

& I-Man would a lot happier if you was here for mi to hold squeeze & love up like before.Mi av

a 80yr old man friend him tell mi him still a av plenty sex with him Wife who him worship he said a twice a day him give her what she need 🌽Him av high blood pressure him don't take anyting either,mi say you fit him don't smoke 11yr now him not a weak man him keep him mind free & pon his marriage him love him

Wife.Him comment more & more man a fail

in all areas of dem life b/c dem too conceited

& don't put the CREATOR first it's all about

outside LUST ADULTERY & other forms of FORNICATION people just nah live right

very demonic selfish argumentative blaming others especially OLDER men it's a possibility their suffering fromBPD,but it come out later after the woman is already married or involved with the man usually OLDER than the Wife,it's as if all the failures in the man's life become the woman's fault so he begins to take out his shit

& GUILT on her he becomes a nasty person overnight & indulges in all sort of filth behind

his Wife back for he is a COWARD who don't know to live his life,but stops the wife from being happy so she can be as unhappy & fucked up as him simply cos when him look at himself he keeps seeing all him own mess in the mirror & a good woman ends up with the worse version of him😬not much good to her it's sad...

I-Man love for you will never fade away & it's quite often a very selfish egotistical man's lack of accountability dat is him biggest down fall..💕

by Janet21 June 7, 2023


My beautiful Jamaican Empress mi si dung today reminiscing about the tender moment dem we used to share in a you Madda & Farda house back home,it put a big smile pon mi face😊Even then you did know how mi a mad over you😀still to this very day nuttin change we get older av kids all married,but we never seem to be able to make it work with dem...tings weh mi love bout you mi love you face especially you cute nose sexy smile + right amount of freckles😘you babysoft skin is unlike anything

I-Man ever feel & mi really a hope when mi get

to UK mi can hold you in my arms & smell you neck like mi use to🥰 I know you are the ONE the day I lost you to dat person you know who

it tear mi apart & mi need you in my life.You truly are amazing & all ways good at a lot tings,so mi know we can mek a happy life out here🙏🏾
Please say you'll come back with mi,mi a miss you so much mi❤️hurt.The CREATOR made you so perfectly for mi,we love we cook we av the best SEX 🤫member how you use hitch up you skirt & ride mi COCK all 6 times you use to cum all over mi COCK especially the HEAD😀cos mi never use to bruk till all 2hr after? Mi never get dat with anyone or feel satisfied the way mi do with you. We was deep then & can be again if you tek a chance with mi I promise to be with you all ways 💕

Sometimes it tek a real Man to know every inch of his woman instead of making up stories & lies to cover his own inadequacies🙄

by Janet21 October 25, 2023


There's nothing sweeter than a real man uplifting & praising his woman so she can

be the best version of herself..
You have a lot to LEARN!


by Janet21 April 15, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empress mi dream see you with you beautiful face & mi tink look at my life it will be so much better with you in it we'll live

a life of purpose not living it for a attention like some OLD loser that is not The CREATOR way.
Jah says in all you dealings be TRUE in other words "live clean & let your works be seen"

Imagine you life is so LAME you go round chatting about other people especially you

WIFE to gain attention you are a FLESH MAN
Errol & truly dangerous you lack a conscience you try to destroy people's Lives & REPUTATION for the simple fact you love attention so much at the expense of other people. You seem shock by how good a person you WIFE is it truly bother you dat anyone can be so good.You under the control of SATAN long time this is why tings

keep go wrong for you then you contaminate people with the demonic SPIRIT you seem

to be carrying. You are an open book of wickedness you plus all those who you associate with tryna damage or destroy another person's good CHARACTER to get what you want you are of your Father the DEVIL😈 in days to come something very BAD is coming for you as payment for all the people you have WRONGED there will be no running from it. I-Man love you Wife♥️Member you can't hide from you CREATOR live a better life or you LOSE...🤨

When a man becomes OLDER he is supposed to be wiser not act like a CHILD

by Janet21 July 21, 2023


Hi my beautiful Empress how you doing?
Got something for you when mi reach up a

UK mi know how much you a miss out yah

the food the lifestyle beaches & everything,
so since mi a spend 6mths up there mi was thinking to book you ticket to come back

with mi❤️❤️mi don't want you for you

baddy although it hold mi,mi want you

as My Wife no ifs buts or maybe we share something special & have ever since the

day mi first set mi eyes pon you😊You

captivate mi in more ways than one woman

you av a integrity only a REAL man would understand & in return would make sure him deh pon same wavelength to. Mi know you would never allow anybaddy to rob you of the good ❤️& good ways dem weh you av no matter how de WICKED dem try.
Dedication (GrampsMorgan) A Woman Like You especially for you mi baby & can't wait to see you hold you in a mi arms talk sweet tings in a you ears 💕 (Turbulence)
Ex-Girlfriend lyrics...you know mi more than

care for you no matter what appens next even

if you can't reciprocate dem feelings know as the CREATOR above is My witness mi will never ever give up on you please come back to me 💕

Imagine a woman laying in bed with you arms round her every night wishing you were someone else? CHEATING starts in the mind first be careful what you sow....🤔

by Janet21 October 23, 2023