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A person who believes in and works for equality between the sexes and an end to violence and discrimination against women around the world. Feminists can be people of any age, religion, social class, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, race, or social class. Feminists are sometimes very angry about the way women are treated in society, but the "man-hating castrating feminazi" is a myth spread by sexist media.

Also an adjective referring to feminists.

1. If you enjoy voting, using birth control, and being able to call the police if your husband beats you, thank a feminist!

2. My class is studying feminist interpretations of the Bible.

by Sarah November 29, 2004

2603๐Ÿ‘ 5829๐Ÿ‘Ž


Feminist are retarded women, who thinks they dont have the same rights as men.

Hi, I believe in feminism. shut the fuck up. Feminist are retards

by Clay Jenson October 6, 2017

13๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Obviously a person who is completely misunderstood by all the people who have posted definitions previous to this one.

A person who believes in egalitarianism; social, economic, and legal rights granted equally to men and women, without putting a person or a group of persons at a disadvantage because of gender, race/ethnicity, religion, sexuality, and class.

A person who understands that women's issues go beyond a western framework and include but are not limited to poverty, racism, globalization, health, colonialism, war, and economics.

HE is a feminist because he realizes that in times of war women are at a higher risk of sexual harassment, such as rape, than in times of non-conflict.

HE is a feminist because he realizes that not every woman finds him attractive and doesn't take it personally when his advances are not received well and refrains from calling women bitches and lesbians because of it.

by R November 11, 2004

2470๐Ÿ‘ 5710๐Ÿ‘Ž


Women who have not only furthered the rights of women, but the rights of other groups as well. Feminists have left a profound mark on society. Early first-wave feminists were often aligned with the abolitionist movement, fighting to rid America of slavery. Feminists were/are also involved with the civil rights movement, the sexual revolution (see below), fighting for the rights of the LGBT community, etc.

Feminism encourages women to take control of their own sexuality, instead of fearing being branded a "whore" or a "slut" due to the double standard...and I don't see why anyone is complaining about that. Confident women comfortable with being sexy should be right up your alley.

Where would we be without feminists?

by Fenderrrilla July 28, 2005

2573๐Ÿ‘ 5978๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person that believes they are trying to get gender equallity but will go on a temper tantrum when females is targeted in a negative manner.

A bunch of feminist are mad that some fat lady was guilty of rape.

by Commander8750 December 22, 2018

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A woman that thinks she is better than every gender including a trash bin.

Sabrina: I am so much better than you because you are a boy

Jackson: I identify as a Ah64v Apache Helicopter operated by the USAF, self sufficient feminist.Beat that

Sabrina: I drive a prius.

Jackson: lol nub.


by xXFan_SquirrelXx May 17, 2018

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A type of cancer that many women with short hair have

A feminist told me there were more than two genders, I murdere her

by FarziikYT March 6, 2017

11๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž