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Moo moo sharoo

A trip to a shop to ‘mooch’ around, usually just looking at stuff and on the occasional trip picking up a small item. The shops are usually British shops such as Poundland. A moo moo sharoo has no specific purpose other than too full your time.

Person 1 - “Hey would you like to go for a moo moo sharoo?”
Person 2 - “Of course I’ve got nothing else to do, let’s go to Poundland.”

by Daisy Penguin February 16, 2021

19👍 8👎

moo-moo hentai

A type of hentai involving breastmilk squirting from a female's breasts.

Bob: DAMN, I love moo-moo hentai girls. They're so hot!

by oxy September 20, 2006

9👍 4👎

hey moo moo

used to curse people causing them bad luck. If said among a group of people the curse will choose at random of who to curse.

Person 1: “Hey moo moo
Person 2 :“my mom just got killed

by Ur_dad April 28, 2020

Moo moo kitty

A chihuahua that behaves like a cat

Your dog thinks she is a cat your a moo moo kitty

by Caveman100 November 25, 2022


Interjection used to express disgust toward an especially obese individual.

David is such a fat cow. Oh look, here he comes. Moo!

by OG-Z January 26, 2008

7👍 15👎

Moo Moo Cow

A very fat woman, can be used as an insult directed toward a guy, could imply that said guy likes "Moo Moo Cows"

Alex: you Moo Moo Cow!!!!
Carter: I only nudged into you, Jesus effing Christ!

by scottbiker May 16, 2009

11👍 7👎


A word that can be used in reply to absolutely anything.

moo moo mooo to you!

by Gumba Gumba March 12, 2004

23👍 80👎