A mixed drink made up of tequila, redbull, and a splash of beer topped off with a fresh lime. The Hot Tamale is a drink of choice at Hookman's Beer and Grub.
Many variations of the drink exist, such as removing the beer to simplify it's creation in a busy bar setting.
Dude let's go get fucked at Hookman's we can order some Hot Tamales, those things are delicious.
Nothing like ending a good morning of fishing with a Hot Tamale at Hookman's.
A club for hot tamales
First rule of hot tamale club:
Never speak of hot tamale club
A female that likes males.
Can be a male to other girls
And still need a male partner
A female that wants to do both without criticism 🌹
Basically a person has a std of some sort and is burning really bad
him: Aye man why everybody coming and telling me you a tamale?
her: What is a tamale?
him:You burning really bad down there , and you didn’t tell me !
her: Ohhh , its not true lol …….
Tamale means something inappropriate in spanish IT means you want to get freaky or have sex or something
A weapon that McDonalds uses to fight off the evil forces of the Kois, there are only 3 that exist, they are located in a top secret underground vault in the McDonalds in Kana
“Heyyy Tamale Gun, fihlgeah hihlgeah in my head!