Source Code

Phil lester

Someone who should name his child mal.


Get it yet??

"Hey, that's Phil Lester's son, Mal-lester *entire population begins laughing*"

by Humpayy March 13, 2018

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phil maull

A gentleman who thinks he is a professional mountain biker. Owns a startling amount of Star Wars gear.

No matter where you are, he can tell you exactly how many miles you are from Swindon.

"I just broke every bone in my body...I totally Phil Maulled it".

by Miss Hot Potato October 14, 2014

Dr Phil

verb meaning 'to over-analyse and come up with a stupid conclusion'

'We're going to go home, get some drinks, and Dr Phil Rosie's date with John'

'They broke up because he did a Dr Phil over what she'd been up to on Saturday night'

by Annamonkey May 9, 2006

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dan and phil

Dan and Phil are two british youtubers who make really funny videos. you should watch them. their youtube names are danisnotonfire and amazingphil .they do collabs with tyler oakley, joey graceffa, and catrific, and more

you: who are dan and phil
me: you dont know them? get the f out of my house

by AmazingPotterIsNotOnFire February 25, 2016

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uncle phil

Will Smith's Uncle on the television series "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air". Also has an extreme obsession for turkey, pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes, butter drenched dressing, tiny onions, and cream sauce.

Uncle Phil: Oh my God... turkey. With... PILLOWY mounds of mashed po-taytoes. Butter drenched dressing. TINY ONIONS... swimming in a sea of cream sauce. Ahhh...

by Kadafi March 17, 2008

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Phil Jackson

Easily one of the greatest coaches of all time. He's coached many legends including Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant. He also has 12 championship rings, one as a player, 6 with the Chicago bulls, and 5 with the Los Angeles lakers.

Phil Jackson is a coaching legend

by critter44t November 21, 2010

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Phil Atio

A great fake name to give a substitute teacher (sounds like fellatio--get it?).

Substitute teacher: "Who is that boy making a penis out of modeling clay?"

Student: "Oh, that's Phil. Phil Atio. He's going out with Connie Lingus. You should send his ass to the principal."

by Justanotherwoodchuck November 27, 2005

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