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Soviet Union

A core member of the United Socialist Gamer Republic, a coalition of forces opposed to the furry menace. It has a very healthy relationship with the Gamers, and a casual one with the Weebs. Has managed to contain the furries in Eastern and Central Europe. Strengths: snow, more snow, VoDkA, extremely resilient to furry mind tricks, crap tonne of weapons and troops, armoured vehicles are second-to-none. Weaknesses: fascist scum, β€œthose damn furry commies!”, Afghanistan, some bois hiding in the mountains, anime.

The Gamers couldn’t have won without the help of the Soviet Union, and the Soviets couldn’t have won without them.

by Sovietism190 January 5, 2020

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Union Triangle

The bonding of a male, female, and pet in a bond. The pet is entitled to all benefits including sex and inheritance. Just like marriage you may divorce, but you have to divorce both spouses not just one or the other. Once a union triangle is made animal abuse becomes domestic violence and you and your human spouse will get financial benefits from the bank if the pet is to die of natural causes. If it is done with a cat they are joined in holy meow-trimony. Only and all land mammals can be accepted into a union triangle.

John and Mary loved each other and their pet cat Fluffy, so they decided to join all three together in a union triangle.

by madcastle October 4, 2011

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

European Union

An economic union of several European nations

Sod the EU, Home Rule for Britain!

by Rado December 20, 2004

312πŸ‘ 239πŸ‘Ž

European Union

Best organisation in the world

I love the European union.

by bignose June 18, 2007

707πŸ‘ 565πŸ‘Ž

Rugby Union

#The game of the intelligent man#

Union is a far more technical game with scrums... yes real scrums where the ball is put down the middle were both teams can get at it and the massive physical contact and the skill such as borin come in to play. positions such as prop and hooker carnt be played by any one as if an untrained person would play the position that person would undoubtable brake his neck
The reason being that average weight per forward is about 17 stone and there are 8 forwards so x together = 136 stone... and thats one side of the scrum now add both sides this ='s 272 stone..... and all that pressure on 6 guys necks.

Another element of union that league does not have is line outs. where both teams forwards oppose each other to gain the ball. again there are technical skills which league players do not have such as lifting, or throwing the ball accuratly in to the line.

Now the 'league lot' say there is far too much kicking in union but the fact is in union u know that u will get the ball back so players will try risky moves to attempt to score a try(5points). In league the players are so terrified to try somthing new and exciting, they just run at each other and once they are tackled they wriggle around on the floor and hope the ref will see them and take pitty and give them 6 more precious tackles.Where as in union if a player is tackled the team must fight to retain possesion and a ruck or maul is formedand then play resumes.

The game of league the players are physically fit but only because they are constantle running away from the ball. In union the physical contact is so much higher than in league and the only reason there is more violence in league is that it is played by scum who only play the sport to bully other ppl(if you desire to injure some 1 go out and pick a fight... oh yes u allready do!)
Another difference in the two games is the passion, such as in the six nations in rugby union where the best players represent there country and fight for victory also the heiniken cup these specticals make for fantastic viewing.
there are also 7's and 10's games which are alot similar to league in the way you try and retain the ball by not going in to contact.

In conclusion i would like to say that union is better than league. i have played both union amd league and find leage a game for girls that complain if they are held on the ground for more than a second.

union is a game played in the heavens where as league is played by wife beaters who molest there children and rape elderly relatives.

by I HATE LEAGUE March 19, 2005

332πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž

civil union

The consolation prize of human rights.

While some people think gays should settle for civil unions, others think they should have the right to marrige.

by Jake February 10, 2005

116πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

rugby union

A full contact football game enjoyed by many countries that play it professionally.

Often, Australian's especially will argue the points of rugby union vs rugby league. League is a game usually played by thugs or rapists, that can't deal with too many rules. Australian's that watch this game religiously usually have limited culture and world experience. They like things simple. Run at a team, get tackled, have sex with the ground, pass the football between legs, do it all over again 6 times then hand the ball over. It is simplicity that attracts the Aussie fans to watch this game. Being an Australian i do understand.

However for people who prefer a fair advantage of gaining possession of the ball there is rugby union. Union (despite what a rugby league player will tell you) is a more aggressive, more full contact game. Both teams fight for the ball to gain the advantage. The key word "advantage". It is a constant battle to gain ground. There is no six tackle count. The teams actually have to work to gain possession of the ball, no handover. Union player will use rucks, mauls, scrums and lineouts to achieve this. Where as in league the forwards are usually ex convicts or expert pub brawlers, made to do one thing and thats to run straight at the opposing team with their head down, union makes use of its forward pack to gain ground. The forwards do a hell of a lot more work in a game of rugby union. Whereas league is burst play, they run, they rest, they interchange.

Not many countries play league professionally. Not many countries like the simplicity of it. But people with a low IQ have to exist in society as well, so i am for both codes.

by P.Rickshaw October 7, 2007

133πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž