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shoves pineapples up hitlers arse in little nicky!!! go him

satan: take that you dirty swine muwahaha

by ..::fran::.. July 13, 2006

23👍 31👎


Satanism is Bullshit, Satanism doesn't exist, Satanism Is caca, Satanism is ew, Satanism is fucking useless, Satanism is wrong, Satanism is bad, Satanism is ugly, Satanism is Cringe, Satanism is L, Satanism is dung, Satanism dirt. SATANISM ISN'T FUCKING REAL

If you're a Satanists and think i'm being a Bitch, You can go and kiss your leaders ass. Turn to God and Repent it's not to Late.. He is All-Forgiving. Satan is evil and will make you suffer in hell anyway. For my non-satanists friends, lets hope that Satanism will end and that all Satanists will come to their senses.

You still think i'm being a bitch? Go Keys without the e

Satanist: I love Satan! He was there for me and he keeps me safe :)
Non-Satanist: Shut up, Jesus was there for us and is the reason that we are here.
Satanist: No he wasn't
Non-Satanist: Go to Church, Repent and Cleanse yourself with Holy Water
Satanist: No >:)
Non-Satanist: Read the Holy Books and you will Understand. Satanism is Bull.
Satanist: NO

Non-Satanist: Go keys without the e
Satanist: I want to be with Satan anyway *khs*
Satan: *makes eternal suffering for Satanist*

by Funtime Ennard October 10, 2023


Satanism is weird, cringe, wrong, bad, discusting, ugly, useless, satire, ew, L, shit, bullshit, caca, poop, crap, the wrong path, the worst mistake of your life (if you convert), Loser cult, Kunts, dung, dirt, unholy and everything evil.

Satanists shall never be forgived. Your following the wrong god and you don't know what you're doing. Satan doesn't love you, doesn't care about you, misleading you and etc. SATANISM IS A TRICK. There is No "sAtAn-kun" or "sAtAn-chan" or any of that bullshit.

If you're a Satanist and think that i'm a bitch for saying the truth, Go kiss your leaders ass and go cry about it. Go suck his ballz and I hope you get rejected. It's never to late to Turn to God.. i'm not talking about Satan, I'm not talking about You but i'm talking about the JESUS/ALLAH God. Go to a Holy Place, Repent and cleanse yourself with Holy Water.

You still think i'm a bitch? Go Keys without the e and you will see what I mean when you get thrown into hell. God created you and you turn away and follow the wrong path.. how selfish..

To all Satanists: Either hang yourself or Follow the Right Path.

Satanists: I love Satan-Senpai! He makes me happy and he loves me.
Non-Satanists: Satan didn't create you, he doesn't love you and he isn't your "senpai"
Satanists: Your wrong your embarassing yourslef
Non-Satanists: Satanism isn't real you dumbasses, Whatever religion you had before become a Satanists, Go convert back.
Satanists: No >:)
Non-Satanists: Satan can't save you from anything.
Satanists: yes he can >w<
Non-Satanists: He couldn't save himself so why do you think he is gonna save you?
Satanists: ...
Non-Satanists: That's what I thought, Now go repent to God.

by Funtime Ennard October 10, 2023


fortnite players

"look at the Fortnite player"
'You mean Satan?"

by Oli2498 June 3, 2020


How some people misspell the word, "satin".

(Seen on a web page featuring bad band names):

Cummed Vacuum Bag Explosion {what happens if you vacuum sperm off of red satan sheets}

by Telephony2 June 19, 2023


Satan didn't like Bob Ross taking his name in vain and saying beat the devil out of it. Unfortunately Bob Ross's hair, means Satan can never find him.

Satan like the serial masturbator he is, takes his dick out, looks down at it and says I'll beat the Jesus out of it.

by Iam not Elmer Fudd March 6, 2020


the person reading this

kelsey is satan

by ksmity February 3, 2020