Source Code

the dog ate it

What happened to my cookies the other day.

Damn you Fido, you ate my cookies... someone grab the gun.

by Die_Tasse May 22, 2004

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the dog ate it

Explanation for circumcision which doesn't involve a rabbi.

No pretty Palestinian girl, I am not a jew, merely the victim of a cocker spaniel.

by ninjabadger May 24, 2004

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A dude who is fucked in the head. He is worthless and you shouldnt associate with them!!!

"i slept with a chick last night.
i think?
i think her name was?
Fuck man did i even sleep last night?
Dude wats the time?
DUDE U R SO psycopathetic(ated)

by ZAGA April 9, 2006

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the dog ate it

the dog ate it is an excuse that you use on your teacher when you didn't do your homework.

it's not very effective

by Angel May 22, 2004

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Hate Ate

The past tense of hate eat.

This is when you are feeling sad, upset, angry, suicidal, and you believe you have no choice but to eat a great quantity of unhealthy food.

This is not healthy. If you find yourself hate eating more than twice a week, please contact you doctor or a psychiatrist.

When Carla's boyfriend ditched her, she hate ate an entire bag of mini Snickers.

Elaine realized she had hate ate all of her Oreo stash in only two days after he mother died.

by je ne regrette pas October 2, 2011

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ate up

The term "ate up" is typically used to describe people who have taken to many drugs. Marijuana makes you "ate up" over an extended use. The THC attatches to your fat cells mainly around your brain. Over time this blocks signals being sent from your brain making you "ate up." I would say Acid causes you to be "ate up" much quicker. This is based on personal experience and my drug class teachers...

Signs of being "ate up" are fairly simple.
1. You laugh at nothing... sober
2. You stuggle putting sentences together
3. Zone out of most conversations with a dumb look on your face

Man jake is so ate up from all that acid he cant even speak!

by James Ganja October 10, 2007

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ate up

ate up is being stupid as fuck because you do WAY too many drugs like me..

and you say random shit and do random shit. usually entertaining to people who arnt as ate up or dont do drugs.

savannah: dude, lets get some beans
hannah: i dont know.. im hella ate up.
savannah: pussy.
hannah: okay, fine..

by Lombardozzi February 1, 2007

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