Regarding fighting (Mixed Martial Arts, MMA, UFC or Boxing) when a fighter is punched in the head so that, in slow motion, you see his cauliflower ears flap around like the animated Disney character "Dumbo".
He was hit so hard in the head his ears started to flap. He was Dumbo punched!
A term used to describe someone who lacks intelligence. Also used to describe a face.
Guy: Man, that James is one dumbo fart, he ran right into a wall.
Another Guy: I kicked John in the balls, he looked like a huge dumbo fart.
when one walks around with their pockets inside out and their primary male sexual organ hanging out of their unzipped pants whilst making elephant noises.
Tim, feeling extra confident today, decided to go dumboing to his grandmother's house.
The act of, during sexual intercourse in “Doggystyle”, grabbing a woman’s ears and yelling “Fly Dumbo, fly!” until both the woman and the man reach their climax.
Do you know Debby?
- Is that the girl with the floppy ears?
Yes! Last night she invited me over and asked me to Dumbo doggy her.