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High School

A prison that contains about 5x the number of teenagers that it's actually supposed to.

Parents definition: The best place people have made, the best 4 years of my life, blah blah blah... Best this, best that... Really gets you prepared for real world... blah blah blah... *tunes out*

Our definition: The same routine every single day. Waking up super early to dress well in order to impress our friends. Use the extra time in the morning to finish the homework we didn't bother to look at when we get home. Get on the smelly, B.O. filled scented bus, and turn our face red by trying to hold our breath until we get to school. When arriving at school, we say hi and act super-excited to see all the same, boring people we see everyday.

Social Status!!! ::

Teachers- A large group of obnoxious old grannies and grandpas who attempt to 'teach' us about things, and fail. Makes us memorize things that are completely useless in life, and yell at us for stupid reasons. Many would like to shoot these humans.

Preps- Rich blond kids that are obsessed with PINK, Abercrombie&Fitch, Aeropostale, and brands like that. Normally have boobs hanging out from shirt, with no butt to fill in jeans. Commonly complains about broken fingernails and uses the words "Like, ohemgee, lawl."

Jocks- Stupid athletes that are very egotistical and obnoxious. Normally either disrupts class or sleeps in it. Picks on little people to make them feel better about themselves.

Geeks/Nerds- People who are generally either picked on in school, or gets all the hot girls nowadays. Has straight A's and is on honor roll, etc. Talks only to the other nerds.

Goths- People who overdose on the color black, and look like little balls of evil.

Emos- A bunch of posers who think being emo is cool. Constantly whines about how sucky their life is when they have a mansion, a maid, with a Ferrari. Cuts and brags.

Scene Kids- Posers who love going to concerts, makes their hair look all trippy, and think it's cool. Always says that they are 'different' when there are about 50 million other people who look like them. These people are fail.

Gangsters- People who threaten to 'kick your ass' when they know they won't really do anything. Always seen throwing up gang signs, or trying to 'holla' at a girl. Are very illiterate and brags about how many people they've supposedly killed.

Principals- Assholes who love suspending kids and making their highschool experience a living hell. Hurray.



Math- A class where the teacher attempts to teach us things about numbers and tries to confuse us with them. Makes it extremely and ridiculously hard to understand numbers. I, myself would like to throw a pencil into my teacher's eyeball.

History- The most boring subject to some people, and is actually pretty useless. We learn about 'our mistakes' and 'how to prevent them in the future.' I apologize, but I doubt that anyone in their classes will ever have anything to do with politics, or make a difference in the world.

English- Teacher attempts to teach you about grammar and punctuation. Normally assigns you paperwork like essays. When you are creative and hand in a wonderful essay, you get a low grade. When you just follow the rubric and say what they want to hear, you get a high grade.

Science- You learn about useless living forms in biology, and take time to cut up poor animals just to see what's inside their body. Why don't you people ask the emo kids to be your experiments? I'm sure they wouldn't mind being cut up.

In conclusion, high school does nothing but review the things we've already learned throughout elementary and middle school. It also adds a high level of stress, and is probably the leading cause of death in the US. Thank you to whoever made high school, and congratulations for killing about half the teenage population.

High school shootouts are understandable now.

by xTracieeex June 16, 2009

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High school

A delapedadted building filled with a bunch of pissed of teanagers that express there anger on anything and anyone. Also with teachers complaining about how little the state pays them while they drive home in a bmw. There are the assholes, freinds, mutants in hallway c and the ocasional retard. The people running the schools havent been in a school enviorment in thirty or so years wich explains why the cirriculum has stayed the same scince fith grade. finaly were still treated like children even thoe they say were adults. BAsicly high school is a large shit hitting the fan

high school banners should read: Welcome to hell

by Nials crane August 28, 2008

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High School

The biggest waste of time ever.

"I agreed with my dad that I would finish High School, but only so he didn't end up in jail for my truency. I had a lifelong dream of becoming a famous dancer, but while I was keeping my father's ass out of a sling, I broke my leg and can no longer dance. Now I'm just a stripper because I fell into a deep depression and couldn't focus in school."

by Sasha. Is. Awesome. March 21, 2009

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High School

A place that isn't as bad as it sounds. As long as you have a good group of real friends, and get decent grades in your classes, you should live, and come out unscarred. Have fun, but remember these crucial rules:

1. if you get a boyfriend/girlfriend make sure you don't cheat on them, and if you date someone who is lower on the 'food chain' then you, so what? as long as you actually like them it doesn't matter. if anybody says anything, just shrug and say "whatever" it'll show that your not a sheep who will be influenced by them, and that you do what you want, which is something they will look up to, and they will respect you for it.

2. Make sure you have a good group of friends, don't pick people based on how they look, how popular they are or anything, base it on the important things you based it on when you were young; do you have fun with them? do you actually like this person? can you trust them? will they help you solve your problems if you have them?

3. don't be fake - many people will be nice to your face, but then behind your back they will say horrible things, don't be one of them, because it will get back to whoever you talk about, and they will be angry, don't act like a person's friend basically, be honest, if they think your mean, just say 'Im not mean, im honest.' at least your not a lying two faced bitch that way, just an honest person.

4. dont lie about anything important. if your teacher asks you where is your homework, go ahead and say 'i left it at home' thats not too important, and you can quickly do it later that night and hand it in the next day. But if somebody asks you to find out if theyre crush likes them back, and you find out they don't like them back, don't tell the person they do. Thats just mean. youd rather be labeled as honest remember?:P

5. Populars will be populars, dorks will be dorks, you will be you. Populars will always be invited to all the parties, and be well known in the school, dorks will never be invited to any parties and half of them will be majorly picked on, while the others hardly anybody knows they exist. You, whoever you are, will always be you, don't change that, because someone will always see through it, and know your just a poser, and thats lame - be yourself, its the best choice, and you'll find your real friends, and be much happier with yourself.

As long as you follow these rules, you will live.

Many people complain that high school was awful, probably because they did not listen to any of these rules. Some of the dorks are so desperate to be popular they don't enjoy high school. If they just accepted who they wree and din't try to change, they'd enjoy high school. Populars on the other hand, will almost always enjoy high school, unless they were a poser. In betweens, aka the people who aren't dorks, but aren't mega popular either, almost always follow these rules, and come out fine.

by Tirbo May 30, 2009

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High school

Basically the home of STDs, condoms, birth control, pregnant teenagers ,bullies, and etc.

You:Dude why are there so many people with blisters on their face?
Micheal:That's just high school
Micheal:Welp that's why you don't wanna fuck anyone in highschool

by Nicebutstfu February 25, 2020

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

High School High

The way one acts after smoking pot that resembles the way someone acts when they first start smoking. This includes laughing, incoherent babbling and excessive paranoia.

Look at Evan, he's high school high!

by K-Rod Stewart August 18, 2011

High School

A large Bulding full of crazy dumb ass teenagers from the ages 14-18. Most children who attend High Schools group them selves into the fallowing categories:

(Prep)-most "preps" wear wear designer or abercrombie/hollister clothing. most are active in sports, and smart when it comes to academics. are always the richest kids in school. mainly listen to pop culture music, hip hip(what they refur to as rap), or sometimes old music like the beatles. the genrally are nice, but when the are only amongst each other they can become extremely nasty about other children. For some reason over the years of evolution of high school grouping teachers these day tend to have a much stronger likeing for this categorie of teens.

(skaters) This group of teens generally do pot, and oviously skate. They all hang out with at the skate park together after school, and generally date younger preps. They listen to punk rock like the used, taking back sunday, Chiodos, etc. skaters tend to wear skinny jeans, large skate shoes, baggy skate shirts, baggy sweatshirts, and have long hair.

(hipsters)this categorie is relitively new in the world of high school social grouping and there very phew kids are classified in this category. what almost all kids that go to art college are known as to the rest of the world. They listen to what most people think is weird unknown music like Animal Collective, MGMT, Passion Pit, etc. they genrally are more mature then most kids in high school, and know that everyone in high school is dumb and retarted. they genrally wear skinny cords, large v-neck shirt, and ither burkenstocks or sanuk slip ons. genrally smoke massive amounts of pot daily to get through high school, and are more advanced when it comes to the arts. Hipsters hair tends to very from mohawks to dreds.

(punk) this group of teens is becoming more non existent. It was much more common in the 90's. most punks listen to music like anti flag, msi, nofx, etc. most punks are fairly skinny, and have mohawks, shaved head, or longish hair. they wear ither wear extremly baggey jeans with chains or extremly tight skinny jeans with chains. often are seen with no shirts outside of school, but in school normally a sweatshirt or band tee will do. this particular group of teens tends to drop out of high school. they are often the teens that are heavy moshers.

(emo) some of the high schools in richer areas tend to not have this group of kids. (i dont know y) they are a poser-like version of skaters and punk combined. They listen to a more "hard-core" version of the music skaters tend to listen to. examples: bring me the horizon, a day to remember, Saosin, etc. emo's tend to wear extremly tight skinny jeans, converse sneakers, tight band tees, and eyeliner. emo hair verys from what is known as the "shot gun" to longish hair. hair tend to ither be black or white with extra clors put in. most emo's tend to be bisexual, and are very emotional, and in touh with there feeling. they tend to write a lot of poetry.

(scenester) this genre of teen is relitively new and not as common. They are based from emos, and tend to be a more materialistic, dramatic, and prettier version of emos. They tend to have londer hair, and they tease there hair to make it very big. they tend to wear skinny jeans, fancy shoes like ballet flats for girls, and flashy sneakers for guys. They tend to also wear tight tops, but more fashionable tops. there hair is usually more colorful then the average emos. they listen to what is closer to "rave" muic, like nightcore, or the average screamo rap like brokencyde. other music includes jeffree star, and hollywood undead.

(goth) this form of teen is much like the punks in the way that there are also lesser and lesser or this type. most goths wear large platform combat boots, watch anime, and are regularly dapressed that the emos/scenes are becoming more popular in the world of high school social gouping. goths tend to listen to marylin manson, aiden, old afi, etc.

(nerds)if you live in a richer area (like me) then there are much more nerds genrally half the school or more. so (in my case) this group is not used often because so many people are. They genrally are asian (idk y) and play lots of video games and are in A&E math in 8th grade and there for have to take crazy advanced math classes at the local college (in my case princeton university) most nerds are very scared of girls who are ot also nerds. they also tend to wear abercrombie/hollister much like the preps in an attempt to highten there social status in part from being in all the advanced classes.

(norms) this group of teens tends to jump from group to group, or is almost a prep but not quite. they tend to be the most friendly people in the school, and are the most social group out there, they almost make a group of there own from not belonging to any other groups.

high school consists of many sub groups among those, but those are he major ones. high school is boring, childish, and pointless in every way. the teachers give a massive amount of home work and long lessons on things that ither have no use in day to day life, or we already know. the only reason teenagers do not drop out is because the adults ave made a world that we have to do long, boring, childish things before we can actually live our lives. It is extemely easy to get suspended from high school espeially if you are retarted and jack off infront of everyone in the middle of detantion (ben walnetz) that will get you suspended for about 3-4 days. princepals in most high school have no purpose but to make the teens that are sent there repeat the reason they are there, then gives them staerday/or suspends them. also he/she tends to stand in the halls becuase he/she has othing better to do and yells at kids to put away there "electronic devises" or they will revieve a saterday. High School is really just a load of bullshit that you just need to get through so that you can do what you want for the rest of your life, unless you going to cllege. I recomend ither being homeschooled, or going to an art high school.

High school is the most time wasting 4 years of your life, especially if you live in saburbia.

by kalabramaster May 21, 2009

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