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Oven Magnet

A slur used against jews, or anyone of jewish faith.

"What the hell is wrong with you Oven Magnet"

by HackMaster321 February 18, 2005

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turd magnets

(n). plural. A pair of shoes with soles that have deep grooves or indentations, causing the bottom of the shoe to become a catch all.

Oh, darn. I just stepped in you know what in the yard. I was wearing my turd magnets.

by boggler March 19, 2005

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dork magnet

one who attacts the likes of the stupid, witless, mentally challenged, and/or people of the loser variety

Everytime I go to a bar some lame wad has to come up and start a conversation with me. I must be a dork magnet!

by king kenny January 20, 2009

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thug magnet

A person who attracts unsavory types.

She’s a straight-up, A-1 thug magnet no matter where she goes or what she does.

by Dr Bunnygirl August 1, 2019

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Milf Magnet

A guy in his late teens or early twenties who always seems to attract milfs or actively seeks them out.

"Wow Ryan sure is a milf magnet."

by Zornlover234567 December 26, 2022

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Magnet therapy

Fake medicine witch claims to heal anything through the power of magnets

1:Magnet therapy's been debunked dude, go get some real medicine instead of that quackery
2:But I feel better
1:It's just the placebo effect

by urbanific January 10, 2009

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dong magnet

a straight man who is more desired by men than women

John Stamos is such a dong magnet

by whoisgary November 14, 2016