A smart person with exciting dick and plays with everyone with it .
(both genders)
Being Sanjay SR without Viagra is Hard
Bailey Appleson @ Sr. Rosas Navidad is the most basic factory setting
The strongest and prettiest woman you will ever meet. She can sing, draw, dance and is very skillful in driving. Sister Angel also has one of the prettiest smile in this world. She can melt your heart just by smiling at you. She's not your average woman because she can practically do almost everything. She's been through a lot a but she is still smiling despite all the problems, challenges and traumas that she's been through. Although she can be really suplada sometimes but she is a person whom you can always trust.
Sr. Angel is my bibi
Savannah Sr has it all! She is the brains and the beauty of the trainwreck we call “life”
A very cool guy with a lot of love to give , very loyal to ppl he love unconditionally, can dress his ass off , very handsome with a big ass dick ,don’t let the shortness fool you & it’s only one of him (Trenard Powell Sr)
Best dress award goes to Trenard Powell Sr
A fucking tank of a human with biceps the size of his deathworm. Casual steriod user he says but was spotted in lidl injecting 4 litres of steds into his cheek muscles. Not to mention his legs. Fuck me there big. Ohh yeah also takes steds
This text box isnt long enough to describe his muscle size in inches. So there big. Has 2 retarded kids that play sims and runescape. Dowd khan Sr is the tank of L4D