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Tequila Mouth

Tequila Mouth is the taste you wake up with after a night of downing tequila shots. No only is Tequila Mouth unpleasant in it's taste, but Tequila Mouth also leaves your voice raspy.

Frank: " Dude, I have Tequila Mouth to the max."
Perry: "Don't talk in my face. Your breath smells like you found a diaper on the beach and ate it."

by Frankietown September 21, 2010

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tequila sunset

Getting sprayed directly in the eyeballs, with a squirt gun full of tequila, by an Adderal fueled garden gnome.

β€œMan I can’t see, Tom just hit me with a tequila sunset”

by Conald E. Petersen October 12, 2022

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tequila demon

A lightweight who is willing to do anything with anyone after only drinking a small amount of alcohol.

She only had one beer and she’s already getting it on with half the school! What a tequila demon...

by Yummymonkeys234 January 31, 2018

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tila Tequila

Tila Tequila - The Most Popular Girl on the Web. Ever heard of MySpace? She's no doubt the most requested/visited/commented page in any MySpace account. But who is she? She was just a normal, yet hot, model. Shes been on a couple of T.V. shows such as "Surviving Nugent" and yet some more, but one day, literally out of no where, shes explodes into this huge phenomenon. Nearly everyone on MySpace knows who she is and has , of course, added her. With over 30,000,000 profile views (each time someone clicks on her page), over 540,000 comments, and over 1000 comments for each picture, she's practically a celebrity. Since her giant blast, she's appeared on T.V. shows, magazines, and more. Tila is an entreprenuer, model, musical artist, and even has a little acting skill. With such a great personality, and huge talent, maybe she could be the next super-star.

Have you seen Tila Tequila on MySpace? She's so hot.

by Mitchell Swope May 16, 2006

158πŸ‘ 353πŸ‘Ž

Tequila Hardman

Also known as Tequila Suicide stage 2, for this you need no salt or lime just take the tequila shot and snort er. Goes straight to the brain

Duuuude last week we did some tequila hardman and couldnt walk for the next three days

by SheeR ViolencE June 19, 2011

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tila tequila

The #1 most popular girl on myspace
She's been on the news and on this months cover of "stuff magazine" shes pretty much every where you look

You: Who is this girl tila tequila I have been seeing every where?
Me: Tila tequila is the most popular girl on myspace!

by rastabill89 April 11, 2006

37πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

tila tequila

A famous model, singer, and entertainer. She had a show on MTV called "A Shot At Love", where she revealed she was a bisexual, and 16 boys and 16 girls all competed for her love. Tila Tequila has 2 million+ friends on MySpace, and she has been featured in Maxim, Time, Blender, King, and more. Her real name is Tila Nguyen.

I love Tila Tequila!

I have a huge poster of Tila Tequila in my bedroom.

by noob1ly July 11, 2008

45πŸ‘ 117πŸ‘Ž