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Corona Goggles

When you have lived with a person for years and never noticed them sexually. Then you get quarantined and they look all types of good. However, once the quarantine ends, it becomes all types of uncomfortable and you want out. See "Coyote ugly" for how to get out of it.

Erik has lived with Michelle for years and never knew she was a woman. After he got quarantined, he banged a number of holes. Quarantine was lifted and the corona goggles came off and now he is looking for a new place to live.

by vdub4motion April 11, 2020

Corona Orange

An unnatural sprayed on skin color applied for the purpose of intimation by creating a hellish hue.

President Trump gets his Corona Orange applied before every rally to fire up the crowd.

by Mr. Lank. March 21, 2020

Corona worthy

Used to describe or rate the quality of a location, restaurant, or gathering relative to the likeliness of contracting COVID 19 (a.k.a. Corona Virus).

A person that is worth the risk of contracting a deadly disease to be near or to have intimate and sustained contact.

1. There is no way this meeting is Corona worthy.

2. Rachel is really corona worthy so I would give her a hug and a kiss.
3. I am staying safe and home, there is no party that is corona worthy.

by TheGoodTwin March 30, 2020

corona boi

useless prick who won't stay at home during the rona outbreak

Retard: Yooooo, dats him!
Retard 2: wat u talking bout bruh?
Corona boi: yeeeeeeeee, fuck rona bruh

by ibangmilfsforaliving March 24, 2020

corona boi

Just another retarded millenial who won't listen to his parents and get out of home, get rona and infect them and use that to his own advantage.

Random dude: Yoooooo my man, wat u doin in this land bruh?
Corona boi: Got bored of fappin and playin fortnuts all day bruh, decided to trip a lil bit, u'know?
Random dude: wat bout ur boomers, mah dood?
Corona boi: Fuck those tards, hopefully Ima get the rona and infect them so I can sell their stuff and buy the PS5, u'know.

by ibangmilfsforaliving March 24, 2020

Corona Hot

A woman who has a fantastic body, beautiful eyes, lovely forehead, gorgeous hair, and sexy voice, but whose hideous face below the eyes is obscured by her N95, surgical mask, or other form of government-mandated face protection worn during the coronavirus pandemic.

Dude, I met this chick at the market today and she seemed hot as f*ck. But she was wearing a mask, so she could just be corona hot.

by Josh E Z April 18, 2020

Corona Party

Similar to a pox party, adults expose themselves to people who have contracted Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease in the misguided hope that they will have recovered from it before hospitals have been over-run with people and treatment isn't possible.

Anyone game for a corona party? BYOB!

by deathspulse March 17, 2020

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