Source Code

alaskan ice fisherman

When a woman sits on the edge of a bed with her legs spread eagle. Then a man runs, thrusts his hips forward and tried to jump into her vagina.

Hey bill did you do the Alaskan ice fisherman last night. Not Tom, I tried a few times and missed and didn't try again.

by AlphaAnimo December 19, 2017

Alaskan Crab Fisherman

When you take a bong rip, then while holding in the smoke you chug a beer, then exhale the smoke and quickly inhale a hit of nitrous oxide.

Yo Tim I just got some nitrous whippets from Starbucks, want to do an alaskan crab fisherman an git highh?

by Smokethebongeveryday March 20, 2011

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Fisherman's fuck

The King's cup, in a game of Kings/Ring of Fire

Oh my God he just downed the Fisherman's Fuck... he's gonna get absolutely steamed now!

by CouldbeMaybe May 7, 2011

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fisherman's best friend

Fisherman's Best Friend is a sexual act when a person has a couple of Fisherman's Friend lozenges and then performs cunnilingus. Simply cunnilingus with Fisherman's Friend. The person performing the act could be referred to as fisherman's best friend.

He had a Fisherman's friend and proceeded to eat her out. It was nice and minty and she considered him as her 'fisherman's best friend'.

by anon8634 September 14, 2013

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brown trout fisherman

A person that is homosexual in an environment of straight people.

"How can I put the sensitively Gemma, our friend Gideon, the one you made a move on this morning, well he, em, is a Brown Trout Fisherman" "Oh dear I'm not putting this very well am I....he's a sausage jockey, a marmite driller, a pillow biter"

2 hours later....

".....A Hershey highwayman, a fudge packer"

"OH, you mean he's GAY"


by Brucester September 16, 2006

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Tallahassee Trout Fisherman

A sex act wherein while having intercourse from behind, the guy reaches forward and uses his index finger to "hook" the girl in mouth.

In many cases, this causes the girl to squirm and flop much like a fish out of water.

I don't like to wake up early to go fishing. So, last night I gave my girlfriend a Tallahassee Trout Fisherman instead.

by MikeandJohn January 30, 2011

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Alaskan Crab Fisherman

When you put a crayfish/small crab into a females vagina then fish around with your dick until it latches on, and you pull it out.

We were bored so we went to the pet store and got a crayfish to do the Alaskan Crab Fisherman.

by samborambo15 April 28, 2009

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