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Sachem stealers

Group of unknown sachem residents who feel the need to steal everything.

Cars, wallets, mailboxes, basketball hoops, sporting goods, shoes, grandmas ashes, nothing is safe.

Damn sachem stealers stole my child support check what the heck!

by LeightonLaxadives7 June 28, 2024

Sea Stealer

For Italian women who have anal sex in the alleys of Rome then enjoy skinny dipping. They actively bring down the rising sea levels through their gape.

Did you hear about Gabriella? She’s a huge Sea Stealer.

by Kebabriella February 23, 2024

lady stealer

Generally an asshole or fuckboi who is obsessed with stealing chicks from another man

Ian is such a lady stealer

he stole by bitch last night

by Nigletboss420 August 2, 2017

bar stealer

Some one that moves to a city with no freinds and starts stealing their coworkers bar freinds.

Because he's a loser and can't make his own freinds.

Hey TJ. Stop being a loser bar stealer

by Ed8469 May 15, 2022

blood stealer

A person that loves to take blood. They will do anything for blood. When someone is nearby with their blood pouch they will feel the urge to grab it and run away. They would even use fake blood to scam someone of real blood. They would kill someone for their blood.

Person 1:"i just earned some new blood for my blood pouch"
person 2:"just make sure no one can see it lest they try to steal it."
person 1: "i see someone they are staring at me and my blood pouch"
person 2:"watch out i think they are a blood stealer"
blood stealer :*runs after the person with a blood pouch malice in his eyes striking to kill take their blood and their blood pouch*

by BloodLustStealer April 19, 2022

bonus stealer

A Bonus Stealer is an individual known for their penchant for appropriating and claiming all the bonuses within the school, demonstrating a consistent pattern of acquiring and monopolizing any and all additional rewards or incentives that may be offered

The students quickly identified arya as the notorious bonus stealer when they realized he consistently managed to acquire and hoard all the extra rewards and incentives offered at the school.

by midrumakadimsum February 21, 2024

dick stealer

Someone who cuts off someone's dick and uses it as a dildo.

Guy 1: Did you see that gore and porn video with that woman and a butcher's knife?

Guy 2: Yeah, she was a dick stealer.

by Interezek June 17, 2023