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wreake valley

Wreak valley is a bag-of-wank school that was originally designed to be used as a prison. the teachers are all wanker and miss morley is a sexist drag queen who needs a good kick in the ovaries

wreake is a load of shite!!

by Matt April 23, 2005

80๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Silicon Valley

a region in Northern California along the west shore of the San Francisco Bay, that stretches from San Jose to San Francisco, that is a major center for high-tech manufacturing and numerous web-based corporations. It has a high cost of living as a result and and is among the most expenesive regions in the United States to live.

Silicon Valley has a very liberal mindset with a diverse population

by krock1dk@yahoo.com July 28, 2007

135๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Valley Rat

Adjective or Noun.
Someone who resides in Lynn Valley, North Vancouver. Gets into mischief. Usually involves intoxication or other substances that should not be used by those under the age of majority. Wandering through the streets late at night in the community ignorant to the fact there are raccoons and black bears following you is a plus.

"Isn't Ted such a Valley Rat drinking through rain sleet and snow outside when there are black bears around. Let us go Valley Rat it up with him."

"Dude, don't mess with him; he's a Valley Rat."

by Cdn-Celt November 17, 2008

57๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hopewell Valley

Hopewell Borough, Hopewell Township and Pennington Borough, are all in the Valley. Its full of Higher middle class families, the cops are assholes, the kids are pot heads.
Hopewell Valley Central High school is the local public school, and if you go there, you hate the Pennington Prep School, and all other prep schools.
Everyone knows everyone.

1-"Hey dude its the first day to school, where you going?"
2-"to my bus stop..."
1-"Na you aint dude, we're getting high before class!"
2-"sounds good."
-first day of school at Hopewell Valley Regional Highschool.

by Ive been living here for 18yrs August 18, 2011

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Medomak Valley

Kinda like what the other guy said. A sinking school filled with rednecks who love to leave doughnuts on the lawn and carve "things" all over the desks and walls. But, home to some of the greatest sports teams and drama productions in Mid-Coast Maine. While some people may be ugly, there are others...

Well, you'd have to be at Medomak Valley to believe me.

by Another observer April 11, 2006

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Death Valley

A place in California where the highest temperature in the world was recorded at 134*F.

Death Valley makes California awesome!!!

by nilethe146 June 20, 2016

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Apple Valley

A town halfway between Vegas and LA that is not Barstow. There are no apples here. mainly small town but it is rapidly growing. not much to do here other than go to the movies. we have 2 theaters,

Apple Valley Teenager: I'm bored im going to the movies

by xoxo_maggs_xoxo August 26, 2009

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