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Bombay beach

1 a small
Abandoned ghost town. Located on the eastern shore of the salton sea in southern California.
2 an event or gathering that is actually a non event

1 bombay beach is located north of brawley on the eastern shore of the salton sea
2 chad: are you going to casey's party Tonight?o
Tom: naw.it'll be
Bombay beach!

by 4realazitgits March 7, 2021

eric beach

perfect person omfg hes so perfect im gonna die

omg have you seen eric beach he is so cute

by anitisocialsheher September 7, 2021

Beach Harpoon

Pronunciation: 'bEch här-'pün

Etymology: origin unknown

: a plug (as of cotton) introduced into a body cavity usually to absorb secretions (as from menstruation) or to arrest hemorrhaging

: see Cotton Pony (riding of)

I ain't gettin none since the ol-lady got herself beach harpooned

by qwerty_not June 22, 2006

capo beach

A sketchy neighborhood located in between heroine high school and Dana pills. Littered with homeless vagabonds and gangsters. Best not to leave the house at night.

Capo beach local 1: Hey did you hear the gunshot?
Local 2: No that was just another meth house collapsing
Local 1: Not another one

by Yoyoman9273 September 29, 2022

Surfside Beach, South Carolina

Wouldn’t this be the best place to escape to?

Surfside Beach, South Carolina

by Rude Crude but Earnest Dude December 10, 2020

Beach bum

(N.)Cherry butt cheeks from sunburn

Sitting out in the sun today made me get a beach bum

by Mliv June 10, 2020

Nasty beach

A girl who is nasty is multiple ways, but never seems to notice her nastyness

This girl is disgusting she’s such a nasty beach

by I use heriods on the daily December 1, 2019