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The baddest bitch that's ever walked this planet.

Olivia: I'm the baddest bitch that's ever walked this planet.
Rando: Yea you are.

by anonshipposterrs October 30, 2023


Olivia is a bitch - she doesn’t know who to trust and lies to everyone around her. She says she loves her boyfriend but doesn’t and loves other people

She is mostly seen leaving people she “loves” on read and getting annoyed at them easily

Person 1: Omg look it’s Olivia
Person 2: Did you know that she hates her boyfriend

by anonymous1838281 May 2, 2023


Blonde hair baddie usually plays softball and is tall she has goddess sex and is really smart. Everybody knows her

There goes Olivia!
Yo have u seen Olivia lately she’s bad asf.

by Josh Williamson my November 21, 2021


Blonde baddie with the sex of an goddess usually plays softball, tall and has an pretty smile but if you get on her bad side u might want to stay away lol. Everybody knows her but doesn’t have too many friends.

Friend 1:Aye dude is that olivia
Friend 2: yea she’s hot ash bro.

by Josh Williamson my November 21, 2021



olivia is a mongral

by August 10, 2023


The most coolest and sassiest girl ever to live.
She has beautiful brown eyes that shimmer in the sun.
You make her mad, you must return the favor or she will stare daggers into your soul.
Though she can be a little annoyed, she is a very lovable person that makes everyone smile and laugh.

Person: Who is that???
Bella (Me): Oh, that girl over there? *Points to Olivia talking to her friends*
Person: Yes.
Bella: That's my sister, Olivia.
Olivia: *glances at Bella and waves*
Bella: *Waves back*
Person: She looks nice.

by WaitBellaIsThatYou?-Uh'-' February 1, 2023


She's HELLA CUTE every one loves her wants wants to be with her. she loves to think about pain death and murder but overall she's good at art and is always nice to talk to.

person 1 hey did you talk to Olivia last night

person 2 no did you

person 1 yes of course i always try to talk to Plivia

by Soox August 2, 2023