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Five Dick Curve

A variant of probability theory of the normal distribution or Gaussian distribution, as applied to how women minimize the number of men they have copulated with to appear more innocent and closer to normal, especially to a new boyfriend.

Jane "So when he asked me how many men I banged in my life, I told him 'five' even though it was really ten"

Jill "Why?"

Jane "Because I don't want my new man to think I am a skank."

Jill "You did a five dick curve"

by Dr. Agnes Freud September 28, 2010

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five-fingered ounce

quantity of marijuana that indicates the supplier filled the bag with as much as could be held with five fingers. Usually results in a bit more than an ounce per bag--35-40 grams.

a five-fingered ounce is good for an extra weekend you can share with your friends

by WVbud August 1, 2008

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Five-Dollar Footlong

Slang for the dump you have to take after eating at Subway.

Jareds in the bathroom, we ate at subway and he as to deposit a five-dollar footlong

by Froggler August 2, 2010

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five dollar ho

after a blow job and spewing on her face, slap her with a five dollar bill so it sticks

If she is a skag whore you can ask for change

by ThaOriginal January 25, 2005

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Five nights at freddy's

A shitty horror game that attracts little kids.
The only thing it spawned was alot of disturbing pornography and an awful fanbase.

Five nights at freddy's is cancer

~everyone over the age of 12

by Densest March 26, 2017

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austrilan high five

when tag teaming a girl and you and another mans balls slap

me and ted where tag teaming veronica i was giving him a austrilan high five the whole time

by badmoond September 13, 2011

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Five Percenter's

It is the elite club of whipped workhorses when sales are down in your industry.


The staff is already too small to cut from, so corporate will take five percent of your pay to offset what they call "loss"

Technically, it's not a loss at all.

Just less profit for those already lining their pockets with your grocery money.

Considered communism.

Everyone could still win, but won't.

CEO: We've had to make a hard decision today. Sales are down. To make up for it, everyone will take a 5% cut in pay until further notice. We will do this as a whole. Everyone is important to the team. We are a company of people. People are our biggest resource. Without our people, we are nothing.

Workhorses: So we're all now five percenter's. At least we still have jobs.

CEO: Fire one person from each market.

Workhorses: What an ass.

by Upperdecker Jay February 16, 2009

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