A person acting erratically, irately and showing signs of withdrawal due to lack of use of Pot
Includes at least 4 people with an equal male to female ratio. This is the act of having sex with carrots, peas, and potatoes inside of a pastry shell, using gravy as lube.
Did you hear about Noah? He got drunk last night and had a weird pot pie
Crock of shit! Bullshiy! Lies!
Katie told me she met a new guy last night, I told her that's a pot of crock!
Gargling of the ball sack when tea bagging
“The girl I was with last night gargled my balls, it was sick.”
“Oh, she gave you a boiling tea pot? Nice!”
Gargling of the ball sack when tea bagging
“The girl I was with last night gargled my balls, it was sick.”
“Oh, she gave you a boiling tea pot? Nice!”
Hollis is a Flower Pot Faggot for going 5-1 while camping on Gun Runner.
when you turn your head, look up to the sky, barely close your eyes, ( like your high on pot ) and answer a question with one word that doesn't have anything to do with the question. Usually to make fun of stoners
teenager 1:Dude why are dogs noses wet?
teenager 2: ....... Totally...
teenager 1: Nice pot thought.