Talking to someone in private before a decision meeting is taking place in order to persuade said person to take your side.
Co-Worker: I don't know if we can convince management that this is the right choice
You: Don't worry, I pre-suaded Tom, he has our back.
All of the tiring hullabaloo leading up to the event.
All of this pre-eclipsia is making me wish the eclipse was over!
The prior state of verbally assaulting jews. The time before it became popular to diss jews. Often confused with the word 'prejudice'.
Don't hit me with that pre-jew-diss!
He is so pre-jew-diss
a sleepover or get together that pre dates a bigger sleepover.
Before the sleepover, let’s have a pre-sleepover!
Refers to da interval of careful consideration dat you invest prior to jumpin' into da tub --- to save time, water, and electricity, you simply pause a moment first and ask yourself if their are any hot/messy tasks dat you will soon need to complete, and then see if you can reasonably tackle said disagreeable jobs while you're all "gross 'n' greasy" anyway, so dat you can then just partake of one good hot sudsy scrub-a-dub instead of having to tediously/wastefully endure two baths within a fairly short period.
After a long hot day of collecting returnables, I performed a brief pre-shower project-ponder and realized I needed to take out the garbage, so I performed that yucky task while my water-heater was warming up.
The act of taking a legitimate workplace abbreviation or acronym and turning it into a phrase that is nonsensical purely for the sake of a good hearted laugh that is victimless.
I think that workplace acronym (pfis) stands for Pre-Fire Illuminati Sheathing. Ahhh Mondays...