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Suicidal masturbation w Lauren

When you want to end your life but instead of ending your life you aggressively masturbate for 47 minutes while FaceTiming someone named Lauren (its gotta be 47 minutes exactly) to distract yourself from your thoughts

"God I really wish I was dead"
"Have you tried Suicidal masturbation w Lauren?"
"Not yet, I'll get on that"

by zacattack September 17, 2019

Dr. Lawrence W. Johnson

Was a pivotal founder of the hyphy movement during the 1980's. Was most noteable for the extensive amounts of black pussy he got during his visits to the hood. In fact during an expedition to south bronx in the summer of 1983 he was quoted as saying "im thoroughly knackered from all this rigorous sexual activity with the natives". He died on the 13th of January 2005, from what can only be described as death by "schnoo schnoo".

Horny Lass: Boy im looking for some action.

Innocent By-Stander: Why it sounds like you need a dose of Dr. Lawrence W. Johnson. He's got a sexual appetite which is yet to be satisfied.

by LOZZDOGGY August 27, 2008

George W. Bush

The Smartest Man Alive! Simply the greatest human being anyone has ever known; a gentleman, and a scholar. George W. Bush is a shining example of sheer excellence and comes second to none in his outstanding presidential skills! A man to be envied...
Please, try not to laugh... Just show this to your friends...

I wish I was as smart as George W. Bush.

George W. Bush is amazing.

I will never be as smart as George W. Bush!

Can we elect George W. Bush for the next 100 years?!

by SarcasticPlastic July 11, 2008

13๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

George W. Bush may not be the best U.S. President, but he has done a very good job with the tough situations that he has been faced with. In the beginning of his first term as President, Bush was faced with the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. This was the most deadly surprise attack on U.S. soil in U.S. history. No other President has faced such a devastating act of terrorism. After 9/11, George W. Bush initiated an operation which successfully overthrew the Taliban (a terrorist oraganization ruling Afghanistan). Later, Bush decided to go to war with Iraq and the ruthless tyrant Saddam Hussein. Hussein was known to have committed genocide on his own people because of their cultural background. A common misconception is that the Iraq War is based on oil. This is a hollow lie however. The war is a war on terrorism. The Iraq War is being fought to protect our great country and our way of life as well as other freedom-loving democracies throughout the world. Leaders like Saddam Hussein and the terrorist organizations seeking refuge in Iraq are a threat to our freedom and our way of life. Another misconception is that the troops in Iraq are suffering massive casualties and do not want to be there. The main reason for people believing this is because of the negative coverage of the war by the vastly liberal media. These media outlets never cover the stories of triumph and accomplishment by our troops.... we only hear about the deaths and injuries. The fact is though, that the war in Iraq has had the least amount of casualties of any major war in U.S. history. If you stop listening to the news anchors and listen to someone who is currently over in Iraq you will hear a completely different story. The troops in Iraq want to be there because they know how important the war on terrorism is in protecting our country and our future. They are proud to serve their country, and it only hurts them when they see the media at home portraying their job in such a pessimistic manor.
George W. Bush may not be a perfect President, but he is a great leader. The U.S. is much safer now than it was before George W. Bush was elected President.
Being a good U.S. citizen, I ask everyone who reads this to support our troops in Iraq. You do not have to agree with all of these opinions, but in a time of war strong countries stick together, they do not fight amongst themselves. Or in the words of Abraham Lincoln "A house divided against itself cannot stand".

George W. Bush is a good leader.

by rhyno_OSU July 7, 2006

13๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž

george w. bush

Since Bush, Sr., every U.S. President has vowed to get rid of Saddam. Why, then did it take us so long to actually get the task accomplished? Well the answer actually lies in several factors. First of all Saddam continued to make threats which were never taken seriously until after 9/11. Until then it was belived that Saddam was a threat, but because there had never really been any devastating occurences Saddam was not at the top of the priority list of any president other than Bush, Jr.. Once 9/11 happened, however, every threat that was recieved was immediately taken seriously, including those that were made by Saddam. Therefore if any other president had been in office when 9/11 happened then it would have been he who eventually took out Saddam, not Bush, Jr.

despite a deteriorating budget circumstance, the president and congressional republicans have actively worked this year t make things worse and further widen future deficts. The centerpiece of this year's deficit was the president's proposal for a new round of tax cuts that, like the 2001 tax cuts, provided some relief for middle class families but targeted the bulk of the benifits to the wealthiest taxpayers.

by Scarry Pothead December 28, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

President George W. Bush

The first man to become president without winning an election.

The govenor of Florida is his brother, the CEO of a ballot counting operation that counts almost 80% of the ballots was his campaign organizer, 91,000 eligible black democrat-favoring voters from Florida were not allowed to vote.

by the smart one March 11, 2005

376๐Ÿ‘ 308๐Ÿ‘Ž

George W. Bush

A strong leader who has led our nation through a war on terrorism and the defeat of an oppresive dictator, all with bipartisan support. He salvaged the economy from the perils brought upon by Bill Clinton's ineptitude (Enron, Imclone, and WorldCom among others) so that the markets have hit record highs. Those who dislike him tend to not understand the facts and can only denounce him with phrases from Michael Moore, the #1 man who is screwing up America.

George W. Bush makes the world safe for democracy.

by Justthefacts Man February 18, 2006

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