When you feel good and alpha af
I feel flex when I hit a PR on bench
feeling the man muscles and saying feeling it eh
while deep throating
mans feeling it eh?
A excuse often made by men to touch a woman’s tit and to not sound like a rapist at the same time
“Can I feel your heartbeat?”
“Hm oh sure”
The ability to feel what or how something would, might, could, or will feel like before one comes in contact with a thing—keeping in mind that because individuals often get what they expect, what they perceive could be biased or distorted.
Yesterday, he put his hand out to shake mine, forefeeling a sweaty hand of a sick man I didn't shake his hand. Who knows where someone's hands have been and what they were doing before that individual sticks it out for you to shake. Though sometimes it is great to shake someone's hand, in general, handshaking is a drain—a waste of time, energy, and emotion. It can also be a type of invasion of space and privacy. The ability to feel how something may feel like is also called pre-feel, or fore-feel. In the preceding sentence, I spelled the latter without a hyphen.
Jordan "hey davo, how'd you pull up this mornin?."
Davo "fuck mate. Feeling a bit how you doin aye."
The emotion one has when he or she hates everyone and everything in the room but does not want to express it but still wants everyone to know it.
Everyone is having fun except one bitch
Me: Hey is something the matter?
Bitch: No *rolls eyes*
Yoda: Strong with this one, the bitch feels are. Kill it with fire, you should.
I'm just writing this so hopefully, someone will put this on a mug or cup
I'm beginning to feel like I'm mentally ill