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type 4 diabetes

Type 4 Diabetes: when you read a hentai so sweet it gives you diabetes

Weeb 1: hey man what did you think of that sauce I sent you?
Weeb 2: dude that shit was so sweet it gave me type 4 diabetes.

by Ergfty March 27, 2020

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Tango 4 Bravo

Phonetic alphabet mixed with numeric verbage to produce T F B. "Too fucking bad". Often used military slang.

Stop loss is reinstated, your tour is extended. Tango 4 Bravo.

by Below-me June 11, 2009

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4:34 Am

It is a song title by AfterTheParty. The song title inderictly implies the golden hour of "sad nigga hours" for AfterTheParty and his fans. Where they have thoughts about their partner or their ex-partner, as written in the lyrics "Don't you just leave me alone". Though it is not only restricted to him and his followers, it could just be a coincidence that someone is up during that time.

"You've been up at 4:34 am" - AfterTheParty

by ILikeCatsGvngGvng March 28, 2018

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4/20 blazin

4/20 blazing is when students smoke marijuana after school. The number 4/20 represents the time after school when the students would smoke.

Student a: At bro, we about to go celebrate after school. Coming or nah?

Student b: We gonna be 4/20 blazing?

Student a: Of course.

by Robbie_ April 18, 2014

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2 bi 4

Sex between 2 bisexual women and 4
Heterosexual men

Sara and Stacy never dreamed they would be in a 2 bi 4. Next thing you know there were four naked men.

by WordsmithTD December 6, 2018


the day Gamers are elected as senators and have a gamer president with supreme court gamer justices.it is also the day all the xbox live friends you ever had will reunite with you one last time for one final team deathmatch in Rust in MW2.

Zoomer "they said several years ago we would play again tomorrow"

AEoomer "Will you ever see them again dad?"
Zoomer "We will meet again in 4/20/2069...when the most oppressed group is oppressed no more. now come child it is time i teach you how to no-scope.

by lionheart617 February 17, 2021

9 3/4

A phrase used in the TV show MASH season 2 episode 7 about 13 minutes into the episode

Hawkeye says: On a scale of 10 I'll say this is 9 3/4
Trapper says: your problem is you lack confidence

by Swagaar April 4, 2020