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Black Persons Dad

Literally nothing

Because black people don’t have dads.

White guy: Hey where’s your dad?

Black guy: I don’t know I’ve never seen him before.
Black Persons Dad

by JustKovah December 12, 2019

25👍 10👎

racist black person

A black person who doesn't think mostly white people should not live. The white people cannot try to befriend them because the black people won't think it would look good to have a white person around them. The white people just let it go when the blacks call them racial names and cracker mosst of the time, because the white people know they are meaningless since most black people will say that to each and every white person. But when a white person says nigger to a black person they become all angry as if cracker is ok to say to a white person but nigger isn't ok to say to a black person since whites have a history of being racist towards blacks. But they don't know that since they're so stupid and they just watch tv and figured it out, unbelievable! they figured something out! But when black people go around calling other black people nigger, it doesn't madder. It's cool to them. how stupid can you get? Imagine if white people went around calling each other cracker, that would be ridiculous. If a teacher or professor heard a black person call a white person cracker, they wouldn't care, but if a white person called a black person nigger, you would be like arrested. It seems like it's against the law or something. Well, the blacks make it seem like it is.

Dovany: Yo shut teh fuck up cracka.

Kevin: What? I didn't even say anything about you. Man, you are such a racist black person.

by bloodysox August 15, 2006

471👍 287👎

Personal Electronic Thingy

Personal Electronic Thingy (PET) is a small computerized gadget like a PDA or palmtop computer, etc. Used for games, keeping track of appointments, or hacking into mainframes-(well only if its a zaurus) also known as a "Happy Electronic Prosthetic". Newer models of these things sometimes have cellular capability so you can chat with friends on the go.

Man, I just ordered a new Personal Electronic Thingy from Amazon and I cant wait! Im going to install Linux on it so I can totally airsnort the shit outa starbucks! Warwalking RULES!

by JonnyPhenomenon November 1, 2005

18👍 6👎

Tall person hug

A hug from a tall person. Tall person hugs are the best kind of hug especially if your bff is tall!

Lola gave Mela a tall person hug!

Mela had to stand on a bench in the courtyard to give Lola a tall person hug.

by No name please October 20, 2019

Tennessee personal chicken

While fucking fat trailer trash on her back with legs up like drumsticks throw Memphis hot sauce in her eyes right before you come on her breast

Last night I made Andrea from Boones mobile park my own Tennessee personal chicken .

by Jax 420 April 25, 2023

Type C Personality

A Type C personality is characterized by an attention to detail and a desire to promote the most logical, efficacious way to achieve a goal with relatively less risk taking and more compromise than a Type A personality.

Often imagined as emotionally repressed and at the extreme, hypochondriacal, they can make dependable professionals in technical roles without the tendency to be distracted by passions as one might imagine with a type B personality.

The main negative with having one as a friend is they are predictable, routine prone and not spontaneous.

Daria Morgandorfer can be seen as a prime example of a Type C personality.

by ApricotFields July 29, 2019

First Person Shooter

Putting a GoPro on your dick

Dude, I found the perfect girl; she's totally into first person shooters.

by RicardoXXVI July 8, 2017