Source Code

moving house

When someone is too cheap to pay for their own travel, and they use "I'm moving house" as an excuse to pull out of a planned trip.

I can't come on the Whisky trip cause I'm moving house.

by Hhjb595959 November 20, 2021

Daddy Move

When your not actual daddy makes a move on you

"oh, he's making daddy moves on ya"
"omg really?"

by tobertdoodle July 22, 2018

moving anti

a person acting nonchalant, in contrast to a more happy, enthusiastic person.
basically just being a dickhead for no reason

J - "How's your day been so far?"
H - "gd"
J - "Ay, stop moving anti, mun."

by cap0_ July 4, 2024

Irene move

Someone who is being fake/rude/bogus all together. Overall that is the worst thing someone can do. Nothing is worse than an Irene move.

“Damn, I don’t like her no more for what she did.”
No duh, she just did an Irene move, that’s why no one likes her.”

by Slim.shadyyyy February 9, 2018

irene move

Someone that is being fake/mean/bogus and overall a terrible thing to do. An Irene move is the worst type of way for someone to identify you. There is nothing worse than that.

“Damn, I don’t like her no more for what she did”
“She made an Irene move, so ofc no one gonna like her”

by Slim.shadyyyy February 9, 2018

Weak-ass bitch move

The opposite of a power move

Person one: “I was gonna ask my crush out but I saw her looking at someone else in class today so I decided against it.”

Person two: “That’s a weak-ass bitch move but ok

by AZASTROS November 15, 2019

move a bird

Transporting pounds of cocaine in one trip

Girl: Do you want to move a bird later

Guy: What’s that
Girl: It’s 2.2 lbs of cocaine

by Mutationsamen August 15, 2022