Group of Black Indian gibbons ( a.k.a Sathashivs) in white shirts and wearing white masks. Whose group chat if leaked, each of the black Indian gibbons would face a minimum of 69 life sentences.
See the group of 4 black indian gibbons. We refer to such a Group as RE Bois.
it’s like mommy’s boy, but with a nan
omg tyler you’re such a nanny’s boy
N. A hypbeast that wears general release sneakers and thinks they has swag for having fake shoes. Also they cheat at everything and hate on people that don't have PC.
Person 1: did u see carlos today?
Person 2: yeah he was wearing those fake south beaches and saying I have swag.
Person 1: yeah he's such an ukerlad boy
Carlos: swag swag I have swag 3hunna bang bang
This became a phrase seen, earlier on the internet.. it’s because boys aren’t “supposed” to cry so when they hold in their tears for so long, it starts to bottle up. Hence, the once trendy boy’s tears bottle phonecases and such
“I want that boy’s tears t-shirt I saw on instagram shop”
James "He listens to everything I tell him"
Steven "He must be a Bunny Boy
A quiet gay male who displays submissive/feminine qualities. Like rabbits, bunny boys are shy and timid but when you get to know them, they have very colorful personalities. Bunny boys may dress nice, be very kind, awkward, and may have an interest in the performing arts, mathematics, or science/medicine.
“Aww yea! I love Damian, he’s such a bunny boy he’s so sweet!”
A guy or non-binary person who is generally timid and shy, easily frightened/super jumpy and anxious, soft and sweet, super affectionate, and also probably really perverted or sexual but quiet about it, giving off the illusion that they're innocent.
My best friend is a bunny boy, they're so sweet and innocent but omg they're horny as hell.