Cunning so hard, your partner falls off you.
I made such a load last night that Fleur went Blasting Off me!
getting really faded from using a bong made out of a bottle of lemonade
after Anthony finished the lemonade he and Daniel went to Daniel's garage to get lemon blasted
The toe curling shit after consuming both Taco Bell and the Taco Baja Blast
“Carls been in the bathroom for a while?”
“Oh yeah he got Baja Booty Blasted
ryan you’re never gonna know x
Ryan: “what’s a blast blocker?”
everyone: “you know the rules”
A individual whom perpetuates the blocking of one’s blast, often in a social setting. A blast blocker know not what they do or not what they are until either exposed by a third party or having epiphany during one’s quest to find them self.
Ryan: “What’s a blast blocker?”
Everyone: “You know the rules”
Example 2: You could be at a office meeting, party, social gathering or even a bat mitzvah
Ryan: *steeles one’s jest*
Everyone: “RYAN, stop blocking they blast”
A severe verbal attack on someone that makes a tongue-lashing seem tame. tongue-lashing, blow up, chewing out, invective, snarl, accost, yell, screaming, scolding, talking to, dressing-down, berating, diatribe, castigation, lecturing, chiding, angry
I got a major tongue-blasting from my commanding officer when I accidently shot my teammate in the foot.
When one partner sprays diarrhea from their anus through an oscillating fan onto the other partner in a sexual way
Dude... I gave her a Cuban Fan Blast this weekend